Chapter 59: Touch Me

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By Saturday, Tsukishima's hand was feeling a lot better.  He'd only iced it after practice a time or two, and hadn't taken any medication for it since Thursday morning.  He wanted to unwrap his pointer finger, but Nakano insisted he leave it wrapped until after the roller skating event in the evening.  He'd groused about that, but when she'd pointed out that if he were to fall, his first instinct would probably be to try to stop himself using his right hand, he'd given in, knowing the girl was absolutely right.  She'd also gotten him to promise to wear the splint brace for the evening, citing the same issue.

Once again, he'd sighed, and pouted, and given in to her demands.  He really had a great deal of trouble saying no to his pretty strawberry blonde girl.  As he checked himself out in the mirror, he smiled, knowing that honestly, he didn't want it any other way.

He'd decided to dress a little nicely for the party.  Nothing too over the top, just a well-fit pair of jeans and a chunky sweater in a heather gray.  He wanted to look good.  After all, Nakano was coming home with him tonight, and staying over.  Akiteru had come home on Friday and picked up their mother, who was going into Sendai to visit with some friends.  Leaving Kei alone.  As soon as he'd heard he'd have the house to himself this weekend, he'd made arrangements to have his girlfriend stay over.  He'd told Ogawa-san he needed extra help working on some homework assignments, and to be fair, that was true.  But it was by far not the main reason why he wanted his girlfriend to stay.  No, he thought as he looked at his reflection, the homework thing is just a convenient excuse.  I definitely have ulterior motives, and I don't really think I was fooling anyone in the Ogawa household.  He smirked, not quite able to bring himself to care that his intentions for the evening were not entirely pure, and that they were known to his girlfriend's parents. 

The sweater's too much, he thought, smoothly stripping himself of it and going into his closet again, grabbing a lighter weight sweater in dark green that fit a little tighter to his body.  We'll be skating, and probably sweating.  I'd have overheated in the other one.  He looked at himself in the mirror again, smirking at the way the thinner sweater clung to him when he moved.  He suddenly realized what he was doing, preening himself like this all to impress a girl, and a look of shock crossed his features.  Dammit, Roses, you've done it again.  I'm doing things I swore I'd never do, all because I want you to say you think I look good.  

He chuckled to himself, grabbed his keys and jacket, and headed out to Nakano's house.  He'd promised to help her bring everything over, and he couldn't wait to get this evening started.

Nakano was standing in front of her mirror, wearing the jeans Kei had bought for her in Tokyo when they'd gone to see Centimillimental.  They looked good, the roses winding up her leg making her feel sexy and confident.  Will the matching blouse be too on the nose, she wondered.  I mean, it's a great outfit, but should I wear it again so soon?  Would he prefer to see me in something different?  

She chuckled as she came to the realization that he'd probably prefer to see her just as she was, fancy jeans and nothing but a lacy skin-colored bra on top.  Well, she mused, if he plays his cards right, he might just get that view later this evening.  She smirked, pulling on the asymmetric blouse that exactly matched the shade of the flowers on her jeans.  When Kei had asked her, a soft smile gracing his features, if she'd please stay the night on Saturday, she'd been a little nervous - it would be the first time she'd have to ask her dad if it would be alright for her to stay at her boyfriend's house.  When Kei had told her he'd already asked her parents, and they'd agreed, she'd blushed and hugged him happily, grateful for the chance to spend so much time together, to sleep wrapped up in his arms.  And then, when he'd whispered softly in her ear that they'd have the house all to themselves, an electric thrill had shot through her.  

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