Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On

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I was really hoping that after the training camp we could calm down a little.  I wanted to spend time with Nakano off the volleyball court.    But instead, everyone seemed to go into overdrive.  Summer break started, and all that tension Nakano had been talking about seemed to fuel everyone's volleyball drive to insane levels.

Everyone but me, that is.  

I just don't see the point.  I mean, why kill yourself over stuff like this?  But Nakano is at least partially a volleyball idiot too, I suppose, so she's gotten really into all the extra practice and perfecting new weapons and whatever.

When she told me about the fight between the Shrimp and the King, I almost laughed out loud.  Almost, because I could see it was really bothering her.  Well okay, I did kind of laugh, but not as much as I really wanted to.  That earned me a smack from my girlfriend, which I probably deserved.  But it's just too hysterical to me.  Those two morons, at each other's throats over something so ridiculous.  The two of them still aren't really talking to each other, which has made practice somewhat more enjoyable, actually.  

Nakano's been working really hard, trying to help people develop new skills.  I end up staying late at practice a lot, because I don't want her walking home alone.  Plus, that walk home is time we can spend together.  I wish we were spending more of this break with each other, and not just with the team.  

Of course, I've not particularly asked her for time together.  In fact, we've not been on an official date since our first one.  Maybe I need to fix that.

At the moment, I'm watching Nakano work on jump serves with Asahi.  A couple days ago, we were here late as I watched her working with Nishinoya on setting.  That leaping set technique is crazy.  I'm amazed she was able to teach anything to Noya, he's always so insanely energetic.  I didn't think he'd have the ability to focus on something so complicated.  But he's really very serious when it comes to being a libero, and he seems to have decided he needs this technique to be an effective one.  Nakano really seemed to be in her element as well.  She may not be the best tutor around, but she's pretty incredible when it comes to teaching volleyball techniques.

Yesterday, we all were here extra late working on the synchronized attack.  It was exhausting in the extreme.  Nakano took over for His Majesty at one point so he could go continue working on this new setting technique of his.  We've actually started using the girls' volleyball gym so we can have all these different things going at once.

And now, here I am, sitting against the wall, watching Nakano teach Asahi jump serve techniques.  Apparently, since the braces came off, Nakano's been working her jump serves at home a lot.  She says they don't quite have the power they used to yet, but I've got to say, I'd rather not be on the receiving end of one of them.  Her serve is at least as powerful as the King's, and if she really can improve it, she might even give her asshole ex-boyfriend a run for his money.  I guess it stands to reason, since they all learned from one another.  I can't help but worry about her.  Sometimes I get exhausted just watching her.  Her passion for volleyball both amazes and upsets me.  I want to feel like that - the way she must feel when her eyes almost seem to be lit from within.  And I want her to feel like that...but about me.  I want to be the focus of her passion.

Oh gods, listen to me.  I'm jealous of fucking volleyball.  I am so screwed.  What the hell has this girl done to me?  

Wait a minute...something isn't right.  Asahi is yelling.  I'm on my feet, rushing to Nakano.  She's just collapsed against Asahi.

"Nakano?  Nakano, can you hear me?  Asahi, get some water!"  He rushes off to grab a bottle.  I'm holding her head in my lap as she lies on the floor.  She opens her eyes.

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