Chapter 26: Boys

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At last the final day of the training camp arrived.  Nakano felt completely recovered the day after her collapse on the hill, and her nightmare did not recur.  She still planned to speak to both her captain and her coach after the camp, but the fear she had felt at the return of the dream eased, and she was able to enjoy her remaining time training with the boys.  And now, on the final day, she was sworn to secrecy by the coaches.  A barbecue was coming for the afternoon, and the managers were helping to prepare for it.  She'd spent part of the morning making onigiri, and now she was back in the gym, working to help her team.  

It was getting pretty late, and the final set was about to begin.  She was getting everything ready for the Karasuno-Fukurodani match when she heard some kind of commotion happening with Tanaka, Noya and Hinata.  That's no surprise, she thought, those three are always involved in something crazy.  Wait a second...are they singing about meat?  She paused to listen.  Did somebody let slip what's happening this afternoon?

Tsukki and Yams walked up to Nakano, Tsukki draping an arm over his girlfriend's shoulders.  "Um...Nakano?  What is it that I'm seeing over there?"  

Tsukki was staring across the gym with an odd expression on his face.  She turned to see what had captured his attention...and her brain froze.  Hinata, Tanaka and Nishinoya were indeed singing...and dancing...about meat.  Her jaw dropped open.

"Are they...doing a meat dance?" Yams asked, starting to chuckle.

"What is the King doing?" Tsukki asked.

Nakano focused on Kageyama, who stood nearby the other three.  He was...doing... something...apparently his own version of the meat dance, but it wasn't like what the other boys were doing.  Nakano started to snicker.  She tried to control it, but it very quickly got out of control.  She couldn't restrain herself anymore.  "Oh my gods..." her voice shuddered as she attempted to control her laughter, "oh man...he's my best a brother to me...but...Kags dances like a drunk penguin!"  She exploded into hysterical laughter.

"Pffffttt!" Tsukki lost it as well, starting to laugh out loud.  Yamaguchi laughed so hard that tears rolled down his cheeks.  The three friends stood on the court, leaning on one another, trying desperately to regain some semblance of control.  Yamaguchi finally overbalanced, and sat down hard, still laughing.  Yachi ran over, calling out to the boy.

"Yamaguchi, are you okay?" She offered him her hand.  Tsukishima guided Nakano a little ways away from the pair.  

Tadashi blushed and took the girl's hand as she helped him back up onto his feet.  "Uh...yeah...thanks, Yachi.  I guess I...uh...laughed so hard I...fell...down?"  He rubbed the back of his neck.  Oh great, he thought, that makes me seem like a complete idiot.

Yachi blushed as well, but also gave Yamaguchi a smile.  "They were kinda funny dancing like that, weren't they?"  She giggled.  

Nakano gave Tsukki a look.  "Well, well," she whispered, "seems you were right."

"Mhmmm," he replied softly.  "Think Yachi likes him too?"

"Gosh, I hope so," she replied, "She's so nervous all the time, it's hard to tell if she's blushing because she likes him or just because he's talking to her.  But...there are ways of finding these things out, ya know."  She smirked at him.

Tsukishima shot her a look.  "We are not relationship counselors," he muttered.  Nakano just grinned at him, and he groaned, rubbing his forehead.

"Let's go guys!" Coach Ukai called out, "Huddle up!"  The team gathered together to prepare for their final set with Fukurodani.

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon