Chapter 84: Come Together

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Nakano was lying on her bed, waiting for Tobio to text her back.  She'd messaged him earlier, hoping to chat with him, but he'd replied that he was just sitting down to a late dinner with his family and could he text her after that?  She'd said of course, and then spent a little time getting everything organized for the rest of the school week.  Once that little chore was done, she decided to simply kick back and wait for her best friend to finish dinner.

It had been a typical Monday - and yet it hadn't.  All the boys were back, and it felt good to have everyone come together again.  She hadn't been the only one to feel that way - Tadashi had greeted Tsukishima so enthusiastically at morning practice that Nakano had seriously thought the boy was going to toss his arms around his best friend and hug him.  The very idea had made Nakano chuckle at the time - and she did so again now recalling it.  Tsukki had given Yamaguchi a decidedly unimpressed look.  "You saw me on Friday, Tadashi.  I've only been gone two days.  Quit looking at me like you haven't seen me in six months," Tsukki had groused at the pinch server, rolling his eyes.  

"Sorry, Tsukki," Yams had replied brightly.

"Shut up, Tadashi," Tsukki had said, sounding slightly annoyed.

Nakano had laughed at the reversal of the pair's usual lines.  And then continued to snicker at them all day, as Yamaguchi was hanging on Tsukki's every movement and word like a puppy, and staunchly defending him from any and all perceived dangers like one too.   Nakano had pondered what might have inspired this new level of attachment for the freckle-faced boy, and thought she had a pretty good idea.  Tsukishima grew steadily more irritated with the whole thing, and by the time they were walking home, the blonde had had enough.

"Ugh, Tadashi, what the hell?" Tsukki had finally yelled at him in response to Yamaguchi's latest verbal gushing about Tsukishima's clear vast improvement thanks to his experience at the training camp.  "What has got you so damn wound up?"

Tadashi had looked nervously between his best friend and his best friend's girl and had begun rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks beginning to blaze.  "Well, Tsukki...I...uh...I wanted to ask you...well, actually, both of you, I guess...but Naka-chan almost certainly won't mind...but you might...and so I..."

"Spit it out, Tadashi.  Just get to the point already," Tsukki had demanded, although Nakano could see his eyes had softened a touch.  She'd snickered behind a hand, watching the rather adorable dynamic between the two boys.  Were she and Kageyama this cute when they did best friend stuff?  Kags probably would not appreciate that description.

Yamaguchi had taken a deep breath and squared his shoulders, looking ready to enter the lion's den.  "So, would it be okay if I...uh...asked Yachi to join us for lunch at school?"

Nakano and Tsukishima had looked at each other and blinked.  The girl had once again covered her face with a hand to stop herself from laughing out loud while Tsukki had rounded on his old friend.  "Are you serious?  That's what all this has been building up to?  Did you really think I'd say no?"

"Well, yeah, Tsukki, you might.  Yachi can be a little...squirrely.  And I know that sometimes annoys you," Tadashi had replied.

The blonde had considered this for a moment.  "Okay, fair point," he'd said, "but I also know you're hoping to officially become her boyfriend, Tadashi.  So of course Yachi can join us for lunch.  Every day, if you want her to."  The blonde had paused, a little color rising to his cheeks.  "Except for on Wednesdays," he'd muttered, eyes dropping to his feet.

Nakano smiled at the memory, recalling how sweet Kei had looked as he all but admitted he too was rather fond of 'Best Friend Lunch Day.'  The three of them had agreed that Yamaguchi would invite Yachi that evening to have lunch with them tomorrow, and together they would offer the girl an official invitation to be part of their lunch club.  Tadashi had been overjoyed at their generosity, and had waved them goodbye as they parted with almost as much enthusiasm as he'd welcomed Tsukki back that morning.

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