Chapter 36: Love Bites

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About an hour later, the couple were in the kitchen, having a well-on-the-way-to-midnight snack of tamagoyaki and strawberries and laughing with one another.  It had taken the pair more than half of that time to recover from what had happened, with the first few moments after Kei's dramatic outcry being the most chaotic.

Nakano had been wildly exultant at first, watching Kei come undone beneath her and knowing she had brought him to that.  She felt slightly mad with the power of that knowledge, that she could reduce her tall, strong, amazing boyfriend to a moaning mess, thoroughly under her control.

And then, as she watched him gasp and collapse, his eyes locked on hers, she realized what she'd just made him do.  And how some guys might consider that...well...humiliating.

And crashing into her mind, right on the heels of that thought, was the idea that she had perhaps just forced that on her wonderful, sweet, adoring boyfriend.  She remembered the very first time they'd done more than kiss, that evening in the storage room when Kei confessed.  Only this time, she was the aggressor.  Had he wanted to stop her, but been unable to?  The feeling that she had completely betrayed the trust he'd put in her came crashing down on her, and in that instant, tears began to flood from her eyes.

Kei, for his part, still coming down from his incredible high, watched his dazzlingly beautiful girlfriend go from a powerful seductive goddess to a small, sobbing girl in the space of about a minute and a half.  Instinctively he sat up and wrapped his arms around her, brain still not yet able to process what exactly was happening, just knowing that that this amazing person who had just made him feel so good was now apparently hurting, and wanting to make it stop.  

At first, all he could do was hold her, stroking her hair, and making vaguely comforting noises.  Finally, as his brain began to come back online, he started to realize what might have upset her.  "Roses...hey...come on, look at me," he gently took her face in his hands, bringing her eyes up to focus on his.  His face was flushed, and his breathing still a bit rough.  Her eyes were still overflowing, her face reddened from crying.  "Nothing that just happened was something I'm not okay with," he said, locking his eyes to hers yet again.  "Do you believe me?"

"B-b-b-but, Kei, I...I never meant to...I made you..." she gasped and hiccupped softly between her incomplete phrases, not even sure how to say what she'd done.

"Roses...I mean it.  I'm guessing that your original plan didn't go quite that far," he said, trying to keep the smirk from his face and only partially succeeding, "but I promise you, I'm not upset, or embarrassed, or angry, or humiliated, or anything like that."

" trusted me to..."

"I trusted you to take care of me, to make me feel good, and boy did you ever," he let the smirk fully take over his face now, as he saw the beginnings of a smile on her face through the tears, "I don't think I've ever felt so good in my entire life," he said with a sigh.  He gently began wiping her tears away.  "Roses, in no way did you betray my trust here.  Gods, you're so precious to me...please don't cry, Nakano.  It hurts my heart to see you like this after you've given me such pleasure tonight."  He wrapped her up in his arms, stroking her hair and cooing soft words in her ear, trying to encourage her to settle down.  Her tears finally began to slow, and she sat back, drawing a deep, shuddering breath.  He grabbed his glasses from the bedside table, and put them on, finally able to clearly see her face.  She was beautiful, even as disheveled as she was, even with her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.  He couldn't help but smile at her.  She smiled back, shyly, tentatively, but the love in her eyes almost overwhelmed him.  Gods, I do love her, he thought, how on Earth could I not?

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