Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland

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Tsukishima Kei was sound asleep.  Probably more deeply, soundly asleep than Nakano had ever seen him.

She assumed this because, for the first time ever, the boy was snoring.

Not that she'd never heard him make noises in his sleep before.  But usually, Kei's sleep noises were soft, tiny, murmurings that reminded Nakano of sleepy cat noises.  The sound he was currently making was neither soft nor tiny.  He was curled up, his head at a rather curious angle on the pillows, as if he were trying to cuddle something that wasn't there, which he probably was.  Nakano had awakened early and decided she was going to make breakfast for the boys, leaving Kei with no one to snuggle.  And now, with his head in such a strange position, his mouth was hanging open a bit, and he was snoring fit to beat the band.

Nakano just stood next to the bed, a hand covering her mouth to keep herself from laughing out loud at him as he snored away blissfully.  

Suddenly, he snored louder than ever and jolted awake, eyes flying open as Nakano began to laugh at her blonde sweetheart waking himself up with his own snoring.

Kei turned a sleepy, grousing glare on his beautiful girl.  "Why are you standing there and not in bed for me to cuddle with?" he whined.

Nakano worked to get her laughter under control.  "Take a deep breath in through your nose and maybe you'll know why, gorgeous," she replied.

Kei obliged, sitting up and taking several deep breaths in.  "It's a little like French toast, but it isn't..."

"Think thinner."


"Mhmmm.  And lucky for you, my love, your brother has plenty of fresh strawberries and cream on hand.  Hungry?"

"I am now," Kei said, rising from the bed and giving his girl a quick kiss before dashing off to the bathroom.

It wasn't long before both Tsukishima brothers were making their still slightly sleepy way to the kitchen counter for crepes and sunny side up eggs and freshly squeezed orange juice - another staple of any Tsukishima household, it seemed.  Nakano appeared to be having a great deal of trouble controlling her giggles - while she always found Kei's tousled morning hair rather sexy, Akiteru's was just hysterical, sandy blonde tresses poking about in every direction no matter how many times he ran his hands through it to calm it down.

At last the older boy sighed, giving up and chuckling.  "I need a shower," he said, finishing off the last of his second crepe, "but it was awfully nice to wake up to a hot breakfast!  Thank you so much, Nakano-chan, you really didn't have to do that."

"It was my pleasure, Aki-nii.  I figured since I was first up, it was the least I could do to thank you for hosting us this weekend.  Speaking of, what's the plan for today, boys?"  Nakano looked at the brothers expectantly.

Kei rolled his eyes, while Akiteru just shook his head.  "That's my Nakano, never wants to be without a plan," Kei said, his voice a mix of fondness and teasing.

"You love my plans, gorgeous," the girl retorted, "but I'm assuming I don't have to make any for this trip.  I'm just curious about what they are."

Akiteru and Kei exchanged a glance.  "Should we tell her?" Akiteru asked.

"I prefer leaving things as surprises most of the time," Kei replied, a cocky grin on his face.

"Well, I at least need to know how to dress for whatever is coming next, gentlemen," the girl complained.

"Warm, and make sure you've got comfortable shoes on," Akiteru said, "We're going shopping!"

Kei threw his brother an irritated look.  "What part of 'surprise' did you not understand, Akiteru?"

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