"Tell me about it." I mumbled, letting go of Alyssa and faced the couple again.

"That bad?" Christen immediately got worried. Her eyes roamed over my body, looking for any signs of distress or possible injuries.

"Well no, the flight was fine. It simply got delayed." I shrugged my shoulders at Christen's worry to assure her. "It was the coach and staff that were giving me shit." I rolled my eyes once I mentioned the coaching duo.

"What happened?" Alyssa plopped down on her bed and curiously looked at me.

"The guy, Henry, I think is his name?" I sat down next to her because Tobin and Chris were still on my bed. The trio looked confused, going over all the staff members in their heads. "The assistant coach?" Chris finally realized who I was referring to.

"Yeah that one." I pointed at her once she guessed right. "He gave me crap for being late. He said that it was unprofessional of me to keep him waiting. And Vlatko said the same thing." I sighed out, remembering my interactions with the two.

"What?" All three of them shrieked, shooting up from their position on the bed. "That's bullshit!" Tobin grumbled with a glare on her face.

"It's not your fault the flight got delayed. I mean you can't control it." Lyss placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"They apparently think that I can." I crossed my arms over my chest like a toddler and rolled my eyes again. "Assholes." I mumbled, making the others laugh but they agreed with me.

"Look, you're here now." Chris said when she calmed down from her laughter. "They'll calm down, focus on the game." Tobin added with a big smile.

"I will." I hummed.

"Show them why they call you la princesa." Lyss smirked, making the other two perk up with curiosity. Alyssa always tried to follow my career from afar, so the goalie had picked up the new nickname the Spanish media had given me.

"Not you too." I groaned at our number one, who simply smirked at me.

"What?" Christen was the first to cave and asked curious as to what we were talking about. I turned to my long time family friend with a sheepish look, trying to play it cool but Lyss decided differently.

"They call her 'la princesa'." Lyssa smirked at the couple on my bed. Obviously they immediately loved the nickname and you could see the jokes form in their minds

"Alyssa." I scoffed at the goalie.

"What? It's true." She shrugged, finding my annoyance funny. "The Spanish media loves you. They say that Putellas is 'La Reina' and Ellie here is 'La Princesa'." She threw her arm around my shoulder and explained proudly to our friends.

"Shut up." I groaned and let my head fall into my hands.

"Ooh, 'La Princesa', how cute." Tobin chuckled. My head shot up from my hands and I sent a glare her way. "Shut up, Toby!"

"Cute or not," Christen tried her best to defuse the tension between me and her girlfriend. "please show them during the game why they call you La Princesa."

"Would you stop with the nickname but yes, I will. I wanna win." I glared at Chris before looking at her determined. We just got crowned as world champions, there was no way in hell we wanted to lose and last camp we came pretty close to that.

"Perfect." Alyssa laughed, causing all of us to join in.

A few hours later after news got out that I had arrived, our room got crowded with our teammates stopping by to say hey. When everyone finally left, it was time to go to bed and I was dreading it.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now