I have a deal your majesty

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There was a knock at the door and Charlie opened it, about to say something, but couldn't because her father pulled her into a hug, half choking her.

Alastor just watched the two of them and grinned reluctantly. "Ah hello Maggie ehm Vaggie hehe..." he greeted Charlie's girlfriend.

"So these are yours?" Lucifer asked, looking at Husk, Niffty and Angel. "Yes...this is Husk our bartender..." Charlie introduced him. Niffty lost his attention again and stabbed a bug with a huge needle. "That's Niffty, we're 80% sure she's not dangerous..." said Charlie, watching Niffty a little anxiously.

"And this is." Charlie also wanted to introduce Angel, but he took it into his own hands. "I'm Angel Dust, the famous porn star! Nice to meet you...rarw..." Angel looked at the King of Hell.

"I see... so... wow, your hotel is really huge and beautiful!" Lucifer beamed. "Thanks....." smiled his daughter. "my princess....how about something to eat or drink for our G.U.E.S.T" Alastor emphasized the word guest. "Oh yes....I brought you something...." Charlie smiled and immediately ran to the kitchen.

"Well how about I show you around my majesty." Alastor said in a playfully friendly manner. Lucifer looked at him, not having a good feeling, but still having faith in the staff.

So Lucifer followed the radio demon. They were already in the upper part of the hotel and Alastor told him where things were.

"Tell me...why...are you actually in this hotel? Aren't you the person who fantasizes about killing me?" Lucifer asked, stopping in the hallway. "You're right...." Alastor stopped and turned to the smaller one. "And how, tell me do you want to do that please?" Lucifer looked at him with amusement. "With my own hands." Alastor said and Lucifer only gave an "Oh...".

Al gripped Lucifer's neck and pressed him against the wall.

"Well, I have a deal for My Majesty." Alastor looked deep into his eyes, while Lucifer just looked at him and made soft noises.

"I want your daughter's soul....you will not interfere or I will kill you...." said Alastor. "Well...and where is the...what jumps out...for me..." stuttered Lucifer with little air in his lungs. "Well you can prepare yourself for an interesting battle for power." said Al. "And how are you going to do that....you know....we are...more powerful...." replied Lucifer. "Oh believe me, your daughter is so easy to wrap around my finger." replied the radio demon.

"Let's have a look at the spectacle then..." Lucifer said and Al let go of him. Lucifer clutched his neck and groaned slightly. "Ugh...well they'll be worried we should get back." said Lucifer and Alastor and grinned. 

"You know that kind of thing turns me on...the choking..." said Lucifer, knowing full well that Al would jump on it. "Lucifer!" he said and quickly made his way to the stairs. "Amusing..." Lucifer muttered. "One of his weaknesses..." he added.

"So..do we have a deal?" Alastor stuck his hand out to Lucifer. Lucifer looked at him. He took the hand and pulled Alastor towards him so that his lips were next to his ear. "Deal..." he whispered. Alastor looked a little shocked at first, but then continued to grin. 

Back downstairs, Charlie asked where they were and Lucifer said, "Your staff showed me around a bit...we had some fun. A really nice hotel."

"Oh okay...I made you something to eat." Charlie smiled. "Naww..." Lucifer sat down on a sofa and enjoyed his sandwich. "Oh it tastes wonderful." her father enthused. "I'm glad you like it. And what do you say... would you like to stay here and help me?" asked Charlie. 

"Princess...why don't you let him eat first? I have an idea, by the way. Would you come with me for a moment?" Alastor grinned at her happily. "Charlie...don't go..." whispered Vaggie, taking her by the hand and looking at her anxiously. "But...trust me..." Charlie murmured, placing her hand on Vaggie's cheek and smiling gently. 

 Charlie now went with Alastor. They were now standing a few corners away. "The hotel is important to you my dear and the extermination is endangering it just like you princess. I want to protect you." said Al. "Awww that's sweet, but you can do that." said Charlie, still unknowing. "I'll only do it with a countermove....my Dear." Alastor grinned. "Oh...But..." she wanted to speak but he interrupted her. 

"I have a deal for you...." said Alastor. "You want my soul right?" she asked. "Good guess...my dear. Well I'll look after the hotel and everyone who belongs to it if you give me your soul...." Alastor suggested. For 1 minute she pondered back and forth like a tiger. 

"So....good! But promise not to hurt anyone else and take part in the rehabilitation..." said Charlie now conclusively. "Deal..." said Alastor, holding out his hand to her. She took it and a green storm came up and the whole hotel shook. 

"No!" Vaggie ran after Charlie. "What have you done you bastard!" she held a spear in her hand and pointed it at Al. "Oh nothing more than security measures" Al replied with a grin and let go of Charlie's hand. 

Lucifer came rushing in and didn't hesitate for long. He ran towards Al and jumped out of the window with him. They hit the ground and Lucifer was on top of Alastor. Al made painful noises. "Do you really think I'm going to let you hurt my little girl!" Lucifer said and six flights came out of his back. He took Al by the wrist and flew upwards so that they were many meters above the ground. 

"Dad! Al!" Charlie had come outside, as had the rest. 

"Oh Lucifer...." said Alastor and started to grin again. "What are you going to do, huh? You'll never beat me!" said Lucifer. "Sorry to disappoint you...." muttered the radio demon. Alastor grew and grew until he was as big as the hotel. 

He took Lucifer by his wings and held him between his index fingers and thumbs. "You!" said Al and laughed. "ALASTOR! STOP! i know you're not like that. YOU HAVE ACHIEVED SO MUCH!" screamed Charlie, refusing to give up faith. "There you see it Charlie....demons can't be rehabilitated!" said Lucifer. 

"Charlie....we have to kill Al..." began Vaggie. 

"No....I'm not giving up that easily..." interrupted Charlie. Alastor looked down at her. Death could be seen in his eyes. "Oh my dear...." came from him. Tentacles were now everywhere. One of them took Charlie and Al now had her in front of his eyes.

 "Al...I know you've changed. You want to protect us....you want to protect me. Please, Al. Look at her. Husk....Vaggie...Angel...we all believe in you. And if they don't, I do," Charlie said. Alastor began to scream and regained his normal form. "Charlie!" "Dad!" Lucifer ran into Charlie's arms. There he lay, the radio demon. 

"I'll take care of Al..." Husk said, coming towards Al. "Don't.... leave me alone...." mumbled Alastor, lying on the floor, motionless. "But...." Husk was about to pick him up.

"Just leave it..." said Alastor. Now Charlie joined him. "Al...." came from the Princess of Hell. She gave him a kiss and said, "I knew you could do it...not quite yet, but you're doing well..." whispered Charlie. "Charlie my dear...I'll be back...one day..." was the last thing Al said. 

"Vaggie, we have to get to our meeting!!!" "Yes sweetie..." came from Vaggie, who was now also standing in the hallway. "I'm so excited...today is the big day...maybe Angel will go to heaven!!!" said Charlie, totally excited.

 She opened the door of the hotel and all the expressions slipped from her face. "Hello ladies...." said the person on the doorstep. "It's been 10 years........" mumbled Charlie. "Indeed......" said Alastor.

Alastor x Hazbin Hotel Season 1Where stories live. Discover now