Ren: Listen up guys 'he gives his infamous glare' You better watch your backs

Ren is busy walking around the seafood section when he sees some interesting fish and grabs them all

Him and somei walk passed each other sharing a glance before they continue walking


Soma: ugh why'd you have to take the number 4th seat it's not fair!

Ren: Because I haven't battled yet plus there's one other reason

Soma: huh

Ren: at my current rate of improvement I can't reach the level of Eishi Tsukasa but you can soma

Soma: No way I don't believe that we've always been equalled

Ren: heh I'm not saying I'm going to let you be better than me for long I'm saying my job is to clear a path for you too take on the number 1 seat and win, so to do that you need too rest up and train so for now watch me win because there's no way I'm falling to him

Flashback over

Ren: (soma I promised you I'd win, Alice, Ryo and hinato too I'll get revenge off all of you and I'll do that by winning)

He remembers back for the training he wasn't given an instructor for the simple reason of His brand of cooking could not be replicated by any of them so what he got was just some tips from all of them

Sensaemon pushed his knife work too new heights

Joichiro improved his creativity

Gin taught him too how better visualise his dishes before even making them

And Kojiro
Just made him work until he could no longer move

This pushed him even further past his limits

All the chefs have returned

The first years get into a huddle

Ren: ok everyone gather round, this dish will need to bring out the fish but also needs to contain the sweetness of the butter,

Takumi: Ok we need a tangy aftertaste of that, I'd say the best option is seaweed without a doubt that will blend well with the butter

Megumi: I've got a good handle on that, also takumi I'd like to help with something after you're done cooking

All three: Ok!

Erina: Now prove to me that my command in this is nothing short of flawless

Ren grabs his fish and butchers it completely perfectly

Somei: (holy crap those butchering skills rival mine)

Ren than brings out the meat and much like the fish slice sit up completely perfectly after whipping off his knife

Ren: takumi take it, it's all ready!

Megumi: It's almsot ready Ren just give me a little whole

Ren: roger that!

Isami: Come on Takumi!, Ren!, Megumi! Do you best

Sato: Tear them a new one!

Daigo: Knock the ten of their freaking pedestals

Announcer: Stop talking so much horse crap you filth reb-

A random knife flew past her face

Ren: didn't I tell you too shut up

Announcer: Oh well that's-

She then gets turned weird by momo's dish

And she creates a dish that looks like a rosé bouquet but it was made of applies and crusts

The listener of cooking, food wars x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now