chapter 41 blue potato

Start from the beginning

"WHAT THE WAAAAAHH", Steven was awoke by a scream, not just any scream it was his father's. Blue also woke up from this, rubbing her eyes and looking around, "huh greg!? What are you yelling a"-AAAAAH!?", blue mumbled before Steven quickly interrupted her by also screaming. The two of them where surrounded by potatoes, not just any potatoes but giant ones shaped like blue diamond. "What is this!?", Steven asked, getting out his chair and picking up one of the blue diamonds, "oh...I guess I must've drooled while sleeping", blue huffed, then quickly being distracted by another interesting potato clone.

"It seems I'm not the only one who's a potato now", blue said, picking up a potato shaped like Steven, "THEY'RE ME TOO!?", Steven gasped, looking around and seeing the crazy amount of blue diamond clones. "mum what are we going to do!?", he asked his mother, starting to become very anxious, "I've got an idea!", Greg called to them, running across the potato blues and stepping on a couple, his feet went right through their potato bodies, "we can sell them!", Greg said, now out of breath from running to them, blue looked at greg like he was crazy but reluctantly agreed.

Steven set up a small shop to sell the potato blues, he had a small table and some of the potato blues sat next to it, he kept the potato Steven at the top, for decoration, he wasn't selling that one. he made sure to wear a little costume for his business too, he stole blue's flat cap and wore overalls over a black mr universe shirt. He made quite a lot of money quickly, his odd potatoes quickly gained attention across beach city.

"Hello little boy, where did you get these?", a kind voice asked Steven, Steven looked up to greet his new customer but nearly fainted when realising it was rose quartz. "Erm...I just found them in my garden", he studdered, she looked very kind and motherly but he knew who she really was under that fake smile. "Do you know what woman these vegetables are shaped like?", she asked him, her voice remained calm but Steven was very sure she was looking for his mother. "No I don't, I just know this one is shaped like me", he said, showing rose the potato Steven, rose looked at the potato Steven, completely fascinated, "did you make these?", she asked him, "do you have any powers?", Steven felt very uncomfortable, when he saw rose he only saw the misery she caused, from her murder of pink diamond and that war, she was sickening to be around and look at.

"Well could I have the one that is shaped like you, little boy?", rose asked Steven, Steven looked at her in horror, she definitely noticed his diamond eyes as she was slightly shocked as he stared at her. "Alright but it will cost-", before Steven could say anything, she was gone, Steven had to give up something he didn't even want to sell out of fear and didn't even get any money from it. "You damn rose quartz", Steven cursed under his breath

"STOP! WAIT! YOU CAN TAKE THE OTHER ONES,JUST NOT THAT ONE!", Steven yelled as he chased after rose, he was holding the potato Steven like a baby. Rose looked back, shocked he was chasing after her,  just as she was about to give it back to him and apologise, the potato Steven suddenly started moving on it's own, it escaped Rose's arms and ran to steven, they both hugged eachother.

"Oh potato Steven I was scared you would be taken by-YOU'RE ALIVE!?" Steven gasped but his potato self just winked at him. "Young boy, do you know what these do?", rose said to him walking closer, "These are plants controlled by a diamond, do you have any connections to someone named blue diamond?", Steven looked up to her, terrified, "are all these ones going to be alive!?", he said, she just nodded back, "OH MY GOSH I GOTTA RETURN THEM ALL!", he cried.

Steven quickly ran across beach city, returning all the money he earned and getting all the potato blue diamonds back, they where also alive and started running to him when they saw him and following him to find their fellow potatoes, soon he had an army of them following his every move. As Steven walked across beach city with all the blue diamonds and his potato self he was suddenly stopped by two people, it was those two crystal gems, the pearl he fought at the kindergarten and one his dad  called garnet.

"Young human, please give us those plants!", garnet demanded to steven, summoning her giant red and black gauntlets, Steven took a few steps back, scared. "Why should I?", he yelled back at them. The pearl looked at Steven in horror, "you are-", she studdered, "YOU'RE BLUE DIAMOND WHY ARE YOU HERE!!", she screeched. Suddenly rose quartz appeared in front of pearl and stopped her from running to steven, "he can't be blue diamond, he's just a child, a young human", she said, this shocked Steven, the rose quartz was defending him!

"Well those potatoes are still her and must be destroyed, we just won't hurt the human", garnet said, turning her gauntlets into rockets and firing at the potato blues, destroying a couple of them. "STOP!", Steven cried, the potato blues looked at Steven, then to the gems and started to hiss and grow mouths, they lunged at the crystal gems and started to attack them.

The potato diamond army quickly overpowered garnet and pearl, rose sat in the middle of the carnage with steven and his potato clone. "Blue diamond loved her potatoes, she must've made them to fight us", rose wispered to steven, "how will we get them to stop?", Steven asked rose, now desperate for answers, rose watched in horror as the blue diamonds surrounded garnet and pinned pearl to the ground. "blue diamond will need to stop them herself, or they find a new victim to focus on", then Steven had a realisation, he had the blue diamond gem maybe they'd listen to him, he tried calling out to them but only his potato listened, it was no use until.

"YOU IDIOT LOOK WHAT YOU DID", Steven could hear a familar voice in the distance, it was Greg, he was dragging blue diamond to the site of the chaos, rose had now gone to help her fellow gems, desperately trying to free them and didn't notice blue. "Oh jeez", blue said, looking at her clones, "MUM!", Steven yelled, running to her, "WHAT DO WE DO!?", blue looked back at the carnage, then stepped forward. "POTATOES!", she called, they all suddenly looked up at her, "LEAVE THIS PLACE!", she commanded, "GO FIND AN ISLAND AND MAKE IT YOUR HOME, YOU SHALL ONLY RETURN WHEN I CALL UPON YOU TO DO SO!", right after this all the potato clones including the potato Steven walked away into the water, leaving the gems alone. blue quickly flew home, neither her or the crystal gems saw eachother, but they did hear her.

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