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SGA Episodes 4.09 "Miller's Crossing" and 4.15 "Outcast" (bold)

A few weeks later, the buzz at the SGC was that Dr. McKay's sister had been kidnapped and when Agent Barrett showed up to help, Nes assumed they thought The Trust might be involved. They were the most likely culprits after all. Perhaps they would use it as some kind of leverage against Atlantis.

"Miss Saeda," Agent Barrett said as she came into the Briefing Room where he was with General Landry. "Or I heard you recently married. Mrs. Elliot now?"

"How about just 'Nes'?" she said with a smile. "So no word yet from the kidnappers?"

"No, but--"

He was cut off by the sound of the gate activating and they all looked through the windows down to the Gate Room.

"That'll be Dr. McKay, Col Sheppard, and Ronan Dex. The new Gate Bridge is certainly nice when we need people here fast," said General Landry. "Care to greet them with Agent Barrett, Nes?"

She gave him a smile, glad of any task given to her these days, and then followed the NID agent down the stairs and into the Gate Room. Sam and Rodney had developed a system of Stargates that could forward matter on, allowing one to travel from the SGC to Atlantis with just a single stopover at the Midway Station that allowed the change from the two different gate systems. The journey that once took three weeks via ship now took a little over thirty minutes.

"Gentlemen. I'm Agent Barrett," he said as he approached the ramp, greeting the three men. "I work with the NID. Mr. Woolsey has asked me to help you any way that I can. I'm sorry that we couldn't meet under better circumstances." He gestured to Nes. "I believe you all know Nes Elliot."

"Elliot?" Sheppard said with a smile. "Well, there ya go. Rumors confirmed."

"Hi, guys."

"Have the kidnappers tried to make contact with us yet?" McKay said in clear exasperation.

"No, I'm afraid not," said Barrett.

"Okay, well I need to get to Vancouver."

Agent Barrett gestured to the side door. "Okay, the Daedalus is in orbit, so it will be a quick trip."

They all followed him out.

"Have you learned any new information yet?" asked Sheppard.

"No, not yet. The NID is liaising with Sisus on the ground. They are expecting us."

"Si-what, now?"

Nes had to chuckle at Sheppard's confusion.

"Canadian Security Intelligence Services," McKay explained. "They're...kinda like our CIA."

"CSIS. That's the best you guys can do, huh?"

They all joined Barrett in the elevator where he took note of their attire, specifically Ronan's very offworld look.

"We will be out in the open, so...perhaps a change of clothes first?"

Ronan looked around at everyone and then down at himself in confusion. "What?"

"Good luck finding anything in his size, though," Nes noted. "Might have to borrow something from Teal'c."

While they hunted for something suitable for Ronan, Sheppard joined Nes in the hallway, McKay pacing back and forth with occasional outbursts on the delay.


Nes smiled at the colonel. "Yep. You ever been married, Sheppard?"

He gave her a sideways glance. "You've read my file, I'm sure."

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