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Episode 8.17 "Reckoning Part 2" and Episode 8.18 "Threads" (bold)

When word was brought to Sekhmet of Ba'al's return, she headed straight to the throne room, eager to see her lord and master deal with his underlord, the only allowed emotions those that celebrated Anubis' triumphs. As she entered, Nes, even through the haze, noticed the sores beginning to form around the host's mouth, but Sekhmet only saw his power and glory, so consumed with the images thrust into her mind.

Ba'al entered slowly, hands clasped behind his back, Anubis sitting on his throne with his rage only barely contained.

"You have failed me."

Ba'al took a deep breath. "We've known for some time that the Jaffa cannot be trusted anymore. The remaining army of Kull Warriors still stand an excellent chance of retaking Dakara, but--"

Anubis raised a hand to silence him "Worse than failure. Worse than cowardice." He stood and looked down at Ba'al. "You have betrayed me. Did you not think I would know what you have done? How can you still underestimate my powers?"

Ba'al spared the tiniest dart of his eyes towards Sekhmet in accusation before responding to Anubis. "Your methods were ultimately unnecessary. Not when there was another way of defeating the Replicators."

"I will spare your life for the moment, only so that you may witness the fruits of your labors. First, I will retake Dakara, then, thanks to the modifications you've made to the Stargate, I will destroy every living thing in this galaxy, including you, all at once."

"I do not understand. You could have modified the Stargate yourself."

"You have no way of knowing what is necessary and what is not, in the grand design."

Ba'al shook his head slightly in confusion. "Whose grand design?"

Anubis raised his chin in pride. "Mine!"

Ba'al's eyes trailed after Anubis as he left before snapping back to Sekhmet who smirked at him, enjoying his defeat.

"We have to stop him," he said through gritted teeth as he approached her.

"You should know by now that he is unstoppable. He is almighty. No one can challenge him and succeed." Nes could see Ba'al examining her. He likely saw the same dead eyes that she could see in the mirror every day now. "And I would never betray him."

"What has he done to you?"

"He has shown me truth and life."

"He has brainwashed you again."

"My Lord Anubis warned me that you would attempt to make me unfaithful again." Sekhmet lifted her chin and smiled. "He told me to tell you that everything you ever thought was yours now belongs to him." She leaned forward. "Entirely and completely and unreservedly and utterly."

Ba'al's face shifted to fury as the back of his hand connected with her face.

"Would you truly hurt me simply because the real source of your anger is beyond your pitiful reach?" she sneered at him.

Ba'al's face went hard, but he finally spun on his heel and stormed out. Nes knew she shouldn't have any pity for one whose anger was only because it was not him controlling the galaxy, but she did all the same, their mutual enslavement adding to her sympathy.

Anubis ordered Sekhmet to accompany him on the way to Dakara after he had spread false intel that he was gathering up his remaining forces there on Tartarus. The rebel Jaffa would surely seek to attack when they thought he was weak, hopefully leaving Dakara with minimal defenses.

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