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The next morning, Elliot was at her door with a smile, but as they walked towards the mess hall, Nes' nerves intensified.

Elliot noticed. "You've been to the mess hall before, Nes. Nothing new."

"No. I've been there as Mary, not as The Butcher." Her hands fidgeted as she tried to find something for them to do.

"You won't be there as The Butcher. You'll be there as Nes."

"That's not who anyone will see."

Elliot finally reached over and took hold of the hand closest to him. "Eventually they will. Just give everyone some time."

"How long was I at the SGC? Everyone still looked at me like I would kill them at any moment."

"Well, let's be honest, you didn't exactly help that. Plus they were constantly seeing you on the news and in movies." He stopped walking, but kept hold of her hand, forcing her to stop. "Wait here."


"Just wait here. I'll be right back."

Nes watched him walk down the corridor and a few minutes later he came back holding two cups and a small paper bag.

"Coffee and muffins." He handed her one of the cups with a triumphant smile. "Come on. We'll eat somewhere else. It's a bit of a walk, though. You up for it?"

How could he still smile at her like that? "I'll be fine. Where are we going?"

"Southwest pier. There's a lookout that has a nice view of the city."

It was quite a walk and Nes was glad when they finally arrived, her muscles still sore from the sparring the night before, but she had to agree with Elliot on the view. The city was stunning from this vantage point.

There were steps down to the balcony and they sat, Elliot pulling the food from the bag. Nes picked at the muffin, not feeling particularly hungry as she tried to sort out something to break the silence, but as she turned her head to speak, she found Elliot staring.

He laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I'm just still kinda in shock that you're here." His eyes went back down to the coffee cup he spun around in his hands. "I missed you, Nes."

"How could you possibly miss me after the things I said?"

"Well, I was definitely hurt and angry, too."

"I really thought it was the best thing for you...to push you away."

"And if I had just told you about Lantash's memories, you would have known that I didn't need you to protect me."

Nes turned her body towards him, needing to see his face as he spoke. "I still don't understand how after seeing those things, you don't just see Sekhmet when you look at me."

Elliot shrugged, but didn't meet her eyes. "I knew you first, Nes." His mouth spread into a grin. "And I was hooked from that first night out on the restaurant patio."


"Yeah....didn't realize how hooked until I saw you hug Nathan, though. I've never been jealous like that before." He laughed. "I still feel stupid about that whole day."

Nes couldn't help but smile. "I'll never forget your face when I introduced you two."

Elliot glanced at her, then closed his eyes and tipped his head back. "Thanks."

She grew more serious as she watched him. "I missed you, too, Kevin."

He opened his eyes and looked down at her with a blank stare she couldn't read.

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