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The pain subsided fairly quickly for Nes, though it would take quite a bit longer for the massive bruising on her neck to fade. During that time Bra'tac finally made it to the SGC to see Teal'c. While Dr. McKenzie was hopeful now that he had helped the jaffa see the truth, Nes knew it would never be that simple and Bra'tac could tell just by looking in Teal'c's eyes that he was still brainwashed and loyal to Apophis.

When Teal'c tried to escape, he was shot with a zat'nik'tel and Bra'tac removed his symbiote, claiming that the only way to save Teal'c was to bring him to the point of death during what he called the Rite of M'al Sharran. He would force him to remember his life and choose if he would be free or a slave. Dr. Frasier had major objections, but in the end was overruled by General Hammond. They had to try everything they could to get the real Teal'c back.

Nes did her best to avoid Master Bra'tac. He'd been Teal'c's mentor and also a former First Prime of Apophis and at one hundred-thirty something years old he was still a strong and capable warrior. Nes simply wasn't sure what he would think of her and that made him a threat in her mind. Of course, her avoiding him didn't mean he would avoid her and while making his way to a room for some rest while Teal'c struggled, the two encountered one another.

Bra'tac took her in with a keen eye and she remained still while he made his observations.

"You must be Nesert, the former host of Sekhmet."

"I am. And you must be Master Bra'tac." She bowed her head slightly. "I have heard very good things about you from several sources."

"And I have heard...interesting things about you." His eyes narrowed watching her reactions.

"Interesting...just another way of saying maybe some good with quite a lot of bad."

"At times." He paused for a moment taking her in. "You seem to be one without a true core."

A slight spasm went through Nesert's jaw, trying to hold back the flash of eyes that usually went along with a flare in her temper. The jaffa certainly knew how to cut right to the heart of things.

"That offends you," he said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, I suppose it does."

"Because it is not true or because it is?"

He really did not pull any punches and Nes' defensive nature would not be pushed back anymore. Her voice took on a distinct edge. "Because my true core, as you put it, has been warped and mangled by the goa'uld and it has not been an easy task to straighten it again."

"Rak'nor tells me that you sacrificed yourself to save your ships filled with jaffa and slaves." He leaned on his staff weapon towards her. "Is that true?"

"Yes. It was the only way."

"Then I suspect your core is much closer to being straightened, as you put it, than you realize."

Nes' shoulders and head went back a bit in surprise. That was not the response she had expected and it was rare these days for that to happen. She usually could read exactly what other people were going to say and do.

"And now I must rest, Nesert. Teal'c will need my help later and I am wearied from my journey." He nodded and walked away, leaving Nes still standing in silence and going over his words.

She doubted he was right, but still, she hoped he was right.

Fortunately though, Bra'tac was right about Teal'c and after a long night of remembering his life and the choices he'd made, he was freed from the brainwashing inflicted upon him. His symbiote was returned to him and he began to recover physically from the rite.

NesertWhere stories live. Discover now