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Episode 8.11 "Gemini" (bold)

There had still been no word from the Atlantis expedition, but as the Asgard had gifted the Tau'ri with their beaming technology as well as hyperdrives, they hoped to retrofit the new engines onto the Prometheus and begin the long journey to the Pegasus galaxy to check on their lost colleagues. Nes secretly wished she could accompany them once they set off, but no one would ever let her go, not with her ties to Ba'al and The Trust. Plus, her leash was far too short for a journey of that time and distance.

She'd have to stay behind and wait for news like everyone else. In the meantime, she had an al'kesh to track, but she had yet to be alerted by her own ship to its presence in regular space again. Her impatience was growing with each day and it concerned her that they were traveling such a distance. She was much less likely to catch up to them if they kept this up.

Her days were mostly spent at the SGC right now. They'd allowed her to ditch her guards, but she didn't have full access to every level on her own. Everyone was very busy, though, and it intensified her loneliness even as she was surrounded by people buzzing about. She finally caught up with Sam one morning and walked with her down to the Gate Room level as she checked on a few things, chatting about the progress of the Prometheus upgrades. Nes kept her hands firmly in her pockets to help everyone relax with her so close to the control room. Daniel came around the corner and directed his attention to Sam after greeting them both.

"So, what's the word?" he asked as he fell in step with them.

Sam knew exactly what he was referring to. "Well, the test flights were successful. The new Asgard hyperdrive is ready to go."

"When are they leaving?"

"They're stocking the ship and picking the crew right now."

Daniel looked to the ceiling and cleared his throat.

Sam smiled at him. "You really want to go, don't you?"

"It's Atlantis. It's... everything we've been working for for seven and a half years."

"I know what you mean." Sam paused as Daniel swiped his access card at the elevator. "Unfortunately, I think General O'Neill has other ideas."

"Let me guess, he says he needs you here."

"His exact words were, 'Over my dead body.' But, I was actually talking about the three of us: you, me and Teal'c. He might be persuaded to let one of us go."

He looked Sam over carefully and stepped into the elevator as the doors opened. "And you'd be okay if that was me?"

"Of course, Daniel. You are the expert on the Ancients." Sam smiled at him as he nodded.

"I'm going to grab some lunch, Sam," Nes said as she moved into the elevator. "I'll see you later." She waved briefly as the doors closed.

"Unscheduled offworld activation." The voice came over the speakers and alarms began to sound.

"What do you think that's about?" Nes asked Daniel.

"I don't know...."

"Do you think you can convince Jack to let you go?"

Daniel shrugged. "I doubt it, but we'll see."

"I hope you can. I completely understand wanting to see Atlantis. I'd love to go someday...if it's really there."

They got off the elevator and Daniel agreed to accompany her to lunch. Their conversation was stilted until she asked about his most recent translation work. He could talk all day about that stuff and Nes was perfectly content to hear about it for the moment.

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