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Episode 4.22 "Exodus" and Episode 5.01 "Enemies" (bold)

Once transported, Nesert was immediately taken to the prison hall and thrown into a cell. She was hopeful the torture would be minimal here and she seemed correct in that assumption, being mostly left alone so that she was undamaged for Apophis. The only time she was removed was when the Jaffa commander used a long range communication device to talk with his god.

"My Lord Apophis, I have acquired a great gift for you." He motioned to the guards and they thrust her into the viewing area of the device. "The ha'taaka."

Apophis smirked as his eyes took in her form. "My traitorous queen, Sekhmet. I warned you what would happen if you betrayed me."

"Oh come now, Apophis. The moment you named me your queen, you knew I would never remain loyal." She returned his smirk, pleased that hers was certainly more effective.

"You will not escape me again." He turned back to his jaffa. "We are journeying to Vorash to eliminate the Tok'ra once and for all. Meet us there." He drank her in one last time. "I look forward to our time together, my dear She'ket."

The jaffa commander couldn't resist torturing her at least a little with a pain stick after that, but fortunately the journey to Vorash was not a long one and once they arrived above the desert planet, Apophis' ship hailed them, demanding her immediate transport. Nesert smiled to herself - he was likely very tired of constantly losing her. So far he had only had the pleasure of hitting her while on Delmak, but that was hardly satisfying after her betrayal.

Two serpent guards escorted Nesert from the transportation rings to the pel'tak where Apophis sat, again surrounded by female slaves. He stood to approach her, reaching a hand to her face before grabbing her chin roughly.

"I will take great pleasure in destroying you over and over again, my queen."

Nesert chose silence for that moment, not wishing to commit to a strategy with him just yet.

"Take her to--" Apophis began, but stopped as two jaffa rushed through the door.

"My Lord Apophis, Tanith has ringed aboard." Nesert recognized the name. Tanith was a known spy for Apophis amongst the Tok'ra. They'd been feeding him false intel since he first joined them.

"Let us hear what he has to say, shall we, my love?" He moved back to the platform and dismissed his harem.

Tanith came in and stood before Apophis, blood dripping from a bullet hole in his shoulder. By the looks of it, the Tok'ra had likely informed him that they had known of his duality from the beginning.

"You are injured."

"I will be fine."

Apophis resumed his place on his throne. "Where are the Tok'ra?"

"The attempt to stop their ship was thwarted however I have managed to procure a gift which will make the journey seem worthwhile." Tanith motioned to the door and two jaffa dragged in a lifeless Teal'c, a staff weapon injury in his back.

"The Shol'va." Apophis smiled slightly. "You have done well." He then turned to Nesert and grinned larger. "Now I have you both at last and the Tok'ra will be destroyed. It is a good day." He turned to the jaffa near the door. "Take the Shol'va to the sarcophagus to treat his injuries. Leave the ha'taaka. She will enjoy watching the destruction of Vorash."

They roughly lifted Teal'c and pulled him from the room as Nesert inwardly screamed at his capture.

"Lord Apophis. Scanners have picked up a fleet of gliders."

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