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Nesert worried initially that her refusal to assist the Tok'ra would put an end to her Princeton plans, but both General Hammond and Colonel O'Neill weren't too pleased with the claims on the former host. Whether it was because they cared for her or her knowledge wasn't apparent to Nes, but since both options led down the path she wished to go, she didn't spare much time or thought in sorting out their intentions.

A few nights before she was scheduled to leave, she was pleased to find Ronnie at her door when she answered a knock.

"I hear you're shipping out," he said as he came into the room, shutting the door behind him.

Nes just caught the raised eyebrows of the young man left out in the corridor. She looked forward to a day in the near future when a constant airman wasn't outside her door and trailing her every step.

"I am. How was your time off?" She'd been doing some of her required reading and went to the table to tidy up the various books and papers scattered over the small surface.

"Good. Fun. You're not expecting Colonel O'Neill again, are you?"

Nes smiled to herself, remembering Jack's comment about playing hostage. "No, I don't think so, but I wasn't expecting him the last time you stopped by either."

"Oh well." He spun her around. "I guess I'll just have to take my chances." No hesitation or games this time, he leaned down and kissed her with the same intensity he'd used back on the planet. Nes offered just as little resistance as Ronnie had that day.

She'd been so isolated from everyone around her, her only physical contact being the occasional pat on the back or arm and the strained hug from her brother. Those simply couldn't make up for even a small portion of the abuse and torture she'd suffered in the last five years.

Ronnie slowly walked her backwards towards her bed and they fell, wrinkling the blankets she'd meticulously straightened that morning. Ronnie tugged at the bottom of her tucked in shirt, allowing his hand to slide under the fabric and up her side as he moved his lips down her neck.

You will be begging to please me in all manner of ways and I, being a gracious god, will grant your requests.

Nes froze in terror. This was exactly how Apophis had tormented her.

And you will enjoy every moment.

Panic took over and she had to fight to figure out what was real. Had Apophis brainwashed her like he had Teal'c? Or maybe he'd taken a new host. The man kissing her pulled back to look at her and for a moment his eyes flashed at her. Reflexes kicked in and she grabbed the hand on her ribcage and snapped the forearm.

He yelled in pain and she shoved him off the bed, his arm bent where it should be straight. Fists pounded at the door as the guard hollered at those inside, struggling to get inside. He finally came into the room and found Nes sitting on the bed, knees to her chest, and his fellow soldier lying on the ground cradling his mangled arm.

The airman, his instincts telling him the threat was the terrified looking woman instead of the injured man, trained his weapon on Nes and called for backup and a medical team. Nes kept silent, still trying to claw her way out of the flashback. She could see it was Ronnie next to the bed, but her memory said that it had been Apophis kissing her for at least a few moments.

Jack must have heard the call for backup and been close enough to get there quickly because he came running into the room just as a group of airmen did.

"What's going on?"

Nes looked up at him briefly, but didn't speak, unsure if his question was directed at her or the more reliable sources in the room.

NesertWhere stories live. Discover now