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Nes felt an intense heaviness with Adaar gone, guilt and shame and desperation and want and sadness. Still, she knew it was the right path.

After returning Agent Barrett to his home, it was just Sam and Nes aboard her al'kesh.

"Nes, is there something going on with you and Adaar?"

"No." Her voice was harsh and Sam reacted to it so Nes let out a sigh and tried to explain. "We're too much Sekhmet and Alpha around each other. We'll kill one another."

"And where does Captain Elliot fit in?"

"He's another reason it would never work with Adaar. I felt I should at least try, though. I made Adaar what he is and I feel responsible for him, but...I need Kevin."

She'd never admitted that to herself even, let alone said it out loud.

"You should go back to Atlantis then."

Nes shook her head. "The clones know I'm alive now. It's not safe for me to go back there."

"Hopefully now with Adaar's help, we'll be able to stop Ba'al."

Nes had no such hope, but since her only other choice was simply to return to the goa'uld, she gave Sam a confident nod.

Still, she'd likely head offworld soon to resume her previous work, though this time she'd focus more on finding his cloning facilities and destroying those.

She needed to stop production.

"Hey, why don't we go grab Vala and have tonight and tomorrow for our club meeting?"

Nes let out a loud laugh. "Are you trying to cheer me up?"

"Would you prefer I bake you cookies?"

"No," she said just a bit too quickly, but Nes had tasted some of Sam's cooking in the past. "Alright, let's get Vala. I'll just have to make sure she doesn't rob me blind."

Nes beamed the colonel down to her house. Sam then drove over to the SGC to get Vala, but wasn't entirely truthful about where they were headed, while Nes made a couple phone calls.

She was disappointed that her island house wasn't much of an option for now, but eventually she hoped to return to it. Once she was sure Adaar wouldn't show up there uninvited. Well, once she was sure Alpha wouldn't show up uninvited. While she slept.

Nes saw the two locator beacons move away from the SGC and waited until they were back at Sam's house before beaming them up.

"So what is going on?" Vala asked as she looked around the al'kesh and Nes could see her assessing its value.

"Club meeting."

Vala clapped her hands together. "Fun! Where are we going?"

Nes just smiled. "You'll see." She didn't need to move the ship much before sending them all down to the house, enjoying the reactions of both women.

"Are we in Hawaii, Nes?" Sam asked as she went to french doors leading outside.

"We are indeed. Honolulu. Sekhmet built this house in the sixties."

"See? Now that's hardly fair, because my goa'uld only left me a few backwater planets and then these guys made me give them back!"

"Vala, you were pretending to be Qetesh and forcing the people to mine naquadah for you." Sam had distinct disapproval in her voice.

"Well, a girl's gotta make a living, right?"

"Really, you should have requested a better severance package." Nes gave her a serious look.

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