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Episode 5.18 "The Warrior" (bold)

Nes lingered at the gate for a few minutes, wanting to make sure jaffa were not immediately sent through behind him, but Lantash would be quick to dial the next planet, so she soon retreated back to the palace and her quarters, asking the servant to bring her meal to the room. She ate little, but it at least helped the time pass. When they came to retrieve the tray, she was informed that they would be departing soon for Revanna and the servant girl was already packing clothing and other essentials for her.

Part of her was relieved to be spending the night somewhere other than in this room, but the other part walked her over to the bed and buried herself in the pillows for a few moments. She again dug down to find Sekhmet and wasn't surprised to find her personality becoming easier to put on the more she used it.

She knew this would be how it happened, how she transformed back into the monster she had been only a few months ago. It was like rediscovering a favorite shirt or pair of jeans and finding it still fit just as well as it had in the past. It needed a bit of breaking in again, but she felt her body relax in the comfortable mannerisms she'd grown so accustomed to.

A fleet of ha'taks took Lords Yu and Sekhmet to Revanna and Nes mostly kept to her room other than joining her new master for meals. When they arrived above the planet, long range scanners did not indicate any other ships and Nes prepared her words for Lord Yu when he addressed the obvious lack of her fleet.

"A'yal has not yet arrived."

"No, my lord, but we did have a shorter journey than my fleet." She made her voice confident, but laced just a bit of fear into it.

"Perhaps." He didn't hide his suspicion.

He directed his First Prime to ring down to the surface and locate both Tok'ra and Jaffa dead to bring back up to the ship. There was a bit of hesitancy in his slaves and she guessed there was fear of residual poison affecting them. She could offer them assurance, but Sekhmet would never bother with such things, choosing instead to enjoy their discomfort.

Specimens were acquired and the jaffa were surprisingly even more tense when they returned, likely affected by the masses of their fallen brethren on the planet, even though they were technically enemies.

"Your jaffa seem to grieve the loss of Zipacna's warriors," Nes boldly noted during tea with Lord Yu. "Do you worry of their growing attachment to their own kind over their gods?"

"The Jaffa rebellion is moving from an annoyance to perhaps a force to be destroyed before it grows too large." He sipped his tea and smiled slightly. "I have already taken steps to eliminate the threat, however."


"Soon they will be destroyed and our slaves will resume their previous loyalty."

It was clear he wasn't going to share any more of his plans, but Nes would keep her eyes and ears open for more information during her time with the goa'uld.

Lord Yu agreed to wait two more days for the arrival of Sekhmet's fleet and Nes increased her outward frustration as the time passed. When finally the allotted time had expired, she brought herself before Yu and bowed her head to the ground, pleading for forgiveness for sending her servant instead of going herself to retrieve the ships and vowing to punish A'yal if he still lived.

Yu seemed only to suspect she had grown weak as a She'ket and not that she was deceiving him completely, but eventually he granted her forgiveness and allowed her to continue to serve him. Back on his home planet, Nes assisted Yu's scientists in examining the dead they had retrieved, hoping that Sekhmet's residual knowledge would aid her in covering up any discoveries made.

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