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Nes began to tend to Lord Yu more closely, slowly gaining his favor and making herself indispensable to his daily life. Oshu noticed, but did not comment, his loyalty seeing the benefit her attentiveness had on his master.

She had commandeered a room for herself to have meetings, a throne room of sorts, and one morning as she had tea and went over reports from Yu's fleets, Oshu entered to announce the arrival of one of Yu's underlords, a minor goa'uld of no real consequence, but who had requested an audience. As Lord Yu was having a particularly bad day, Oshu had brought him to her instead.

"Send him in, Oshu. You have done well."

He bowed before exiting and Nes was more than slightly surprised when he returned with Jacob Carter.

Selmak spoke. "My Lord Sekhmet, I am honored you have granted me an audience, but I had expected to meet with Lord Yu."

"I am afraid my lord is busy attending to other more important matters. You understand." She directed her gaze to Oshu. "Leave us. See if your master requires your assistance."

After he left, Selmak bowed his head and Nes directed Jacob to a chair. He sat, but looked over her critically. "You've established yourself quite well."

She smiled, but it was Sekhmet's smile. Still, she returned to her human voice for his benefit. "Yes. I'm afraid Lord Yu's health is beginning to deteriorate. It has not been difficult to gain his trust."

"You're different than when I saw you last on Revanna."

"That was months ago." She shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny.

"You've been using the sarcophagus."

"I don't see how that's any of your business."

He leaned forward, suddenly a fatherly figure. "Can you not see how you're being altered?"

"I am more effective in my role this way."

"You will no longer be playing a role soon."

She was disgusted by his concern and stood to escape some of his gaze. "What have you come for?"

"You, actually."

She turned to look at him again and he continued.

"Lantash asked me to help you escape once I had finished rounding up the remaining Tok'ra who had survived the bombardment at Revanna."

"I do not require help in escaping. I could go through the Stargate or take a ship at any time, now that I am well trusted by my lord."

"I think you require help more than you know, Nes."

No one had called her Nes in too long and it cracked through the shell just slightly.

"I can't leave. Lord Yu has become completely incapable of maintaining the fight against Anubis. His First Prime and I have been commanding the fleet in his name."

"Oshu will be able to continue without you, Nes. You need to come home with me."

She laughed at him. "Home? Earth is no more home to me than it had been to Sekhmet."

"Daniel is dead, Nes."

Her head jerked up in surprise, not just at his words, but at her reaction to them. "What?"

"He was exposed to a massive amount of radiation and died about a month ago."

"No. You're lying."

"I wish I were." He ran his hand over his face. "Please come back to Earth."

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