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Nes visited Sam again, and they hashed out the details of an identity that made her a reasonable addition to the Atlantis Expedition. It was then just a matter of creating the documentation to back it up, difficult on such short notice, but with General Landry on board, they could gloss over any discrepancies and Sam could fill in a few gaps after Nes was on her way.

Nes arrived on board the Odyssey with hair hanging limply on either side of her face, bangs that fell into her eyes, glasses that were too large for her face, a uniform that fit a bit haphazardly, and a duffel bag over her shoulder. She slouched and her walk was timid. Her voice was a bit higher pitched and she had a nervous tick of constantly pushing her glasses up on her nose even when they were perfectly positioned. She was the absolute picture of a skittish scientist unsure of what she had signed up for.

"You must be Dr. Mary Wilkins, the last minute addition." The woman extended her hand and Nes shook it gently. "I'm Dr. Lindsey Novak. Looks like we'll be roommates for the trip."

"Hi. This is all a bit overwhelming," Nes said with a small smile.

"Oh, I know, but you'll get used to it. I'll show you our quarters and then I have some things to finish up before we launch."

"Of course. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"Not at all," Dr. Novak said as she guided her down corridors until they reached a small room with just enough room for a bunk, dresser, and small desk. "It's a bit cramped with two people, but it's only three weeks to Atlantis."

"I'm so sorry. I'll try to stay out of your way."

Dr. Novak waved off her apology. "Get settled in. I can give you a quick tour later."

Once the woman shut the door, Nes shed her disguise for a few moments, stretching her muscles that rebelled against the foreign mannerisms. She'd grow accustomed to them soon enough, but at the moment they irritated her. She unpacked, carefully keeping certain items hidden amongst clothing and other personal items. She had enough masking drug to last her over a year if needed, tacking onto her bio a rather rare genetic disease that required injections of vitamin B12 every month.

She kept an eye on those around her, watching for anything suspicious, but everyone seemed comfortable in their roles and ranks and there was nothing that necessitated further investigation. Hopefully, she'd have better luck once at Atlantis.

The three weeks went by slowly for Nes. She was agitated by the confined spaces, Mary's mannerisms and the ship both prisons for her. She was jealous of the military personnel who could spend their off time in the gym sparring and exercising. She just tried to breathe slowly, counting down the days until they were at their destination.

They arrived with little fanfare, but excited greetings - the expedition was always glad to receive new supplies and requested items. It was Christmas every few months for the isolated humans. Nes was beamed down with the rest of the new additions and was in awe of the room she now stood inside.

It was light filled and clearly of Ancient design, the gate to her left and stairs leading up to the work areas on her right. Her nerves began to kick in, worried about seeing people who knew her and might then see through the facade. She stayed with the group she was with, shuffled along to quarters and then given a brief tour. They gave them the rest of the day to get situated, with orders to report to their various jobs the following morning. So far, she'd only caught a glimpse of Dr. Weir and Colonel Sheppard from a distance and managed to keep her head down as they passed by with greetings for the incoming recruits.

Nes was glad to collapse on the bed in her private room, breathing in the extended space. Tonight, she was determined to go for a run and let her muscles return to themselves if only for an hour or two. Once the base was mostly quiet, down to just a skeleton crew for the night hours, Nes threw on sneakers and followed the map in her head to more isolated sections of the city. Hopefully no one would make a fuss about a lone life sign out this direction.

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