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Nes drove them back to her house so she could close things up and grab various items, her efforts slowed by a goa'uld who seemed to think seducing her was of higher priority. She offered just enough encouragement to give him hope, but not so much as to let anything progress just yet.

Ba'al had a cloaked Al'kesh at an abandoned complex outside of Los Angeles. It'd been constructed as a base for Nazi operations in the thirties and while officially it was owned by the city, the rogue NID had started using it as a outpost of their own. The Murphy Ranch looked completely unoccupied as they drove in, the concrete buildings and walls covered in graffiti, the road barely driveable. Ba'al explained that there was a little known labyrinth of underground tunnels that the NID had moved into, though they'd mostly left as things had gone down with Keffler's operation.

They hiked through a section of trees marked only by a wooden post and Nes let a few curses fly as her shoes became covered in mud. Had she known what would be required to reach Ba'al's ship, she would have at least changed. She had called her management company to come pick up her Porsche later today so at least that would be taken care of, but her shoes were likely going to be a lost cause. She held back a sigh as she thought of how intensely shallow she was being in that moment, but it was simply easier to get worked up about the loss of a favorite pair of high heels than confronting the possibility of losing her friends and planet.

"How did you even get involved with the rogue NID?"

"I sent a few underlings to begin investigating infiltration into Earth's Stargate program and government. It was not long before they came across the NID and those that now have started referring to themselves as The Trust."

"You were the first to see the Tau'ri were going to rise up against the Goa'uld under Ra's rule. I shouldn't be surprised that you assessed their threat to your empire appropriately and took action."

"I will take that as a compliment."

"You should. I'm impressed by your foresight." She caught her shirt on the underbrush and again cursed. "Are we almost there? This is ridiculous."

"Just a bit farther. I needed a large enough clearing and, of course, did not want any random passersby to stumble upon an invisible ship."

They stepped out from the trees into a large clearing. There was a haziness in the air as the al'kesh appeared in front of them.

The door opened and a jaffa stepped out, greeting his god. "Lord Ba'al." He looked over Nes whose hair was likely tangled and filled with twigs and leaves after their trek through the woods.

Ba'al shifted back to his distorted voice. "Prepare the ship. We leave immediately." He turned back to Nes as they moved onto the bridge. "Where is Anubis' secret base?"

"Tartarus," she responded in her own goa'uld tone.

Ba'al told his slaves to set the proper course and the Jaffa did as they were told before Ba'al moved through the ship with Nes following. "Here are quarters you may use. I am going to change and then we can eat. The journey should take about two days and then we will wait to hear what becomes of Anubis and the Tau'ri."

He left her and Nes sat for a few moments alone on her bed. How the hell did she get here? Her loyalty had been completely compromised for her own survival, though she wasn't sure if she'd ever been so pure of heart to be entirely dedicated to those at the SGC. She'd always kept her options open in every situation, making sure she could justify her action to either side and maintain their trust.

She finally got up and wandered to the window. She could still use this to benefit Earth if they survived, but she now felt the full force of her abandonment of her friends, thinking of how she may never see them again. Sekhmet crept up into her chest to offer sympathy. They were better off without her, regardless of the outcome of the next few days. Elliot especially.

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