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Episode 8.08 "Covenant" (bold)

It was agreed to allow the press conference to go on as planned, as obviously it would look highly suspicious for anything to occur immediately before and there wasn't really time to get anything in place, either. Instead, they would discredit him afterwards, maybe even orchestrate an accident. Nes would do her best to prevent their deaths if she could, but it was out of her hands in many ways. It was never in her hands, really. She was a tool - it would have simply been someone else if it weren't her.

The media went into an uproar with Colson's assertion of alien life, as expected. Nes was sent to the airfield where Colson kept his private plane, a different personality masking her identity and allowing her access to the hangar. Jennings wanted the engine sabotaged in a way that would look like an accident or pilot error, which would be fairly simple, but Nes had different goals than The Trust. Instead, she tampered with the engine in such a way that a good pilot would still be able to land safely. She'd claim some excuse involving primitive technology or some such nonsense when Colson survived.

Nes made her way back to Colson Industries, but spotted Sam and Daniel in suits entering the building as she arrived. They didn't notice her - her appearance too altered and their focus too trained on their current task - but she kept a fair distance from them anyway. Perhaps they would have better luck than Vogler in convincing Colson to keep quiet, but she doubted it. The man was insistent on the truth being the best option in every situation. Had his wife and daughter not died in a plane crash years earlier, his 'honesty is the best policy' mantra may have been toned down a bit, but he had no one to balance out his foolish idealism and optimistic view of mankind.

Nes watched casually from outside of Colson's office and the body language alone confirmed her initial thoughts on their chances of success. Sam and Daniel eventually left in frustration and Nes trailed behind them as they left. She couldn't stop the smile that formed as the pair got into a red Mustang convertible. Perhaps they thought of her when they drove it, though this one was new compared to her vintage one back in Colorado Springs. Sam was on the phone and looked annoyed, but it was unclear who was on the other side of the conversation.

Back inside, she made her way back up to Vogler's office where he was looking even more nervous than he had been before.

"I'm doing my best. Please," he begged her and she moved close enough to put a finger on his chest.

"Your best hasn't been good enough. Think of a different strategy."

He loosened his tie in agitation. "Our stock price is falling. I've already tried appealing to his business instincts."

"Then I suggest you appeal to his survival instincts." She put both hands on his tie and tightened it against his throat again. "Or I will."

She left him to it again, but she had zero confidence in his abilities to convince Colson's stronger personality to back down. Vogler was weak.

Nes didn't bother having a presence at the next press conference, not wanting her image on camera for those at Stargate Command to see. Colson trotted out the Asgard shell they'd grown as it looked into the cameras dazed and agitated. And he ended the little show promptly before any further questions could occur. The entire building was in chaos, security tightened, and phones ringing nonstop and Nes stood off to the side, observing in Regine's nervous way. She enjoyed watching the panic, though - especially Vogler as he grew more and more flustered.

It didn't take long for the Stargate program to spring into action and Nes moved closer to Colson's office as one of his staffers came running through the doors.

"It's gone," she said in a defeated tone.

"What do you mean?" Colson barely looked up as she spoke.

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