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Episode 5.02 "Threshold"

A very long run and a few rounds with a punching bag helped eliminate the energy she'd built up at the bar and fortunately, the next day she was feeling more relaxed and in control. She would hopefully still have time left before that calm dissipated again.

Dr. McKenzie, the psychologist for the Stargate program, had been working with Teal'c since they returned, but it was hard to tell if he was seeing success or if Teal'c was merely saying what they wanted to hear. Nesert was far too familiar with those tactics, still hesitating in sharing anything that would turn suspicion towards her own actions, either past or present.

More than anything now, Nes was simply bored. She didn't have any tasks to keep her occupied so she approached both Daniel and Sam for some way to contribute and stay active. Sam was understandably a bit hesitant to give her access to the necessary resources for her to help, but Daniel gave her some texts from a planet SG-14 had visited that needed translating. It wasn't particularly interesting information, but it kept her mind from wandering into dangerous territory and made the time spent alone in her room less lonely.

A knock on her door in the evening wasn't unusual, so she simply hollered a quick "Come in!" one particular night while she finished translating the line she was working on, assuming it was Dr. Jackson coming to check on her progress. She heard the door open, footsteps enter, and the door close again.

"Just give me one moment. Finishing this up."


Nes jerked her head up at the voice. "Ronnie Harris." She let a little smile play on her lips. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He crossed his arms and his face was stern. "Shouldn't I get to ask that?"

Nesert leaned back in her chair and crossed her own arms defiantly. "I've been back for a while. Twice actually. Where have you been?"

Airman Harris crossed the rest of the small room and pulled out a chair to sit.

"Oh, please, do sit down." Nes said with a flourish toward the chair after he'd sat.

Ronnie gave her a little smirk. "Thanks. Don't mind if I do."

"So where have you been, Ronnie?"

"Alpha and Beta sites mostly, making sure our backup planets stay safe." He stretched out his long legs and put his hands behind his head. "What about you?"

"Oh, here and there." She leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands. "Around."

"I hear you're not going by Tessa anymore. Finally admitting you're Sekhmet?"

"If I were Sekhmet, there's no way I would have let you live back on that planet. As it was, I had to go find someone else to kill." She leaned back again. "You're welcome, by the way."

"You're welcome? You took me hostage and left me stranded on a different planet!"

"Please. Don't be so dramatic. I didn't hurt you and they probably were there within the hour to get you. Besides," she winked, "we had a little fun, didn't we?"

Ronnie couldn't keep the smile from forming as he thought back and he rubbed his mouth trying to wipe it off his face, finally laughing slightly. "I suppose the experience wasn't all bad."

Nes gave him a seductive smile. "No, it wasn't. You're certainly my favorite hostage, Airman Harris."

"Do I have much competition?"

Nes had to think back, but no, he likely didn't. When did she or Sekhmet usually need hostages? She was rarely in those types of situations and it was easier to just kill those in her way most of the time.

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