i met you last night?
did i do something embarrassing
oh no i don't remember anything at all
gosh im so sorry if i made you uncomfortable last night
if i even saw you
1.30 p.m.

ur awake!
are you feeling a bit better?
don't worry abt it, you didn't embarrass yourself

ur being suspiciously nice
but thank you for your concern
other than this numbing headache im fine
thankgod im on break today

thats good
i have a short shift today
if you want i can come over after
mayb a good hangover soup wld help with the headache

nono u shld go back home and rest
your message came in rlly early
im fine, the headache shld be gone soon
out of curiosity though
did i say something yesterday😭
ur acting rlly diff

yes u did say something ystd :)

shit man💀
bye im never going to drink agn
i dont even wanna hear what i said
it must have been so embarrassing omg
can u please forget whatever i said

i don't rlly want to forget what you said though

are u making fun of me
i guess i deserve that
no but seriously forget whatever i said
i probably didn't mean it

u sure sweetheart?
u said some interesting things last night

BYE the nickname
i must have rlly said some wild things😭

haha don't worry about it tho
u can trust me ;)

atp i need to know what you've heard
so i can react accordingly

i think i'm going to keep this one a secret
i have to go though
see you soon!

see you😭

Ryujin could cry from embarrassment.

She lies back on bed, staring at the ceiling as feelings of embarrassment creeps up on her. She lets out an exasperated squeal, curling into a ball as her cheeks heat up, feeling flustered.

She lets out a small distressed cry, looking over at the iced coffee and hangover drink she left on her bedside table. She buried her face in her hands, not ready to accept her fate. She could just spend the whole day moping around.

It had been a few hours after Ryujin decided to forget about her rough start to the day, getting up and changing out of her clothes from last night. She busied herself by finally getting some house chores done, washing and folding her clothes and cleaning up the place.

Satisfied by her productivity, she plops down on her sofa when the sun has already set. She turns on the lamp next to her, unlocking her phone seeing some new notifications.

After answering to the messages from her family, she sees that she has a new message from an unknown user. Thinking it was a scam, Ryujin didn't pay no mind as she pressed on the message to block the user. Her eyes skim through the messages, eyes widening in surprise realizing it wasn't what she thought it was

Unknown user

love is in the airrrr
oh by the way this is eunbi!
i stole your number off beomgyu's phone😈

ohmagosh hi eunbi unnie
oh yes valentines is around the corner
how are wedding preparations?

so stressful 😵‍💫
thankfully mark's parents are as chill as him
my parents are the one making the most fuss
but enough abt me
any plans for valentines?😏

Roses & ThornsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora