chapter 39 redemption and remorse

Start from the beginning

"Schtu-ball stop being so miserable!", Greg joked, as he played his guitar along to some very loud annoying music, Steven couldn't take it anymore, he finally snapped. "DAD STOP!", he yelled, as he yelled a blue aura of energy covered him and a large wave of energy went through the room, breaking the cd player and making Greg drop his guitar, everyone turned to look at steven, his hair was wavy like his mother's and he was surrounded by power. "My Steven....", pearl mumbled before quickly silencing herself, lapis watched in fear, this small and innocent looking boy still had the powers of blue diamond, Greg looked at his now broken cd player, "Jeez kid, you're just like your mother", he huffed, before storming upstairs to bed. "DAD WAIT!", Steven called to his dad, his powers quickly waring off and everything returning to how it was.

The sapphire waited by her Ruby guards, she knew what would happen and accepted it, today would be the end of the rebellion and of rose quartz, well that's how it was supposed to go. Suddenly they appeared, the rose quartz and her pearl, "WE ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS!", they announced, quickly jumping down and attacking, the Ruby guards where all easily defeated by rose, then the pearl went to attack the sapphire, and then it happened, the future was changed. One of the rubies was left, she somehow changed the entire prediction and ran to protect the sapphire and as she grabbed the sapphire, they both fused. Rubies or topazs could fuse with the same type to make larger ones but this was unlike anything else, two entirely different gems making one, and the confusion they caused allowed the rebels to escape, if that ruby listened to sapphire, none of this would've happened and pink wouldn't have died, blue clenched her fists and gritted her sharp teeth as she continued watching this memory.

The two quickly unfused after, blue diamond had witnessed this all herself, enraged she spoke, "the rebels have fled! Sapphire! This isn't the future you described to me!", the Sapphire tried to apologise but blue also had some words for the Ruby, "how dare you fuse with a member of My court! You will be broken for this!", soon after blue commanded this punishment, the two gems fled, never to be seen again. Blue watched that part of the memory over and over, she had changed so much since then, since pink died. She thought about the Ruby and sapphire a lot, eventhough she stopped the end of this war, and the capture of rose quartz, the ruby was still doing her job of guarding the sapphire.

Blue put both her hands on her head, a feeling was taking over her, regret, she needed to find those two gems and apologise but knowing the crystal gems, they could've joined the rebels as they saw no choice, they became traitors thanks to HER. "It was my fault, I shouldn't have took everything that sapphire said as truth! If only I fought that rose myself instead of running away!" Blue thought, thinking about all the actions she couldve and can do "Why do I always run away from even the smallest conflicts! ever since I was on the f-"

Steven went back to sit by blue, now his dad was mad at him and he scared everyone with his powers. Lapis sat next to him, trying to keep him happy and talk with him. Pearl now stood over blue, she had now put the heart shaped sunglasses over blue's eyes that Steven gave her to cover up the fact her eyes where still white and open. "I have a theory of why blue diamond could be like this", lapis said, quickly becoming quieter when she noticed pearl listening in, "I think", she slightly slumped down to Steven's level to wisper in his ear, "she fainted from being so shocked by your fusion!", Steven nodded back, this was starting to become his theory as well, the timing just seemed so perfect for that to be the case.

just as he was about to say more he was interrupted by a odd sound, the best way to describe this sound was that it sounded like that of a camel snoring but underwater, it was coming from blue, she was starting to make odd breathing sounds and move a bit, becoming very stiff and straight as her face seemed to be cringing. "What could you be thinking about in there, My diamond", peal wispered as she watched blue, lapis and steven quickly ran to see what was happened and where horrified, Greg also heard the sound and walked down to see.

"The sapphire and Ruby must've met up with rose on earth and joined her, maybe they still live with her!", blue thought, remembering the crystal gems where in beach city "I must ask amethyst!", she slapped herself across the face "No! I must find them myself!", if she would be able to apologise to them she must do it alone, or else it may not feel sincere, but how could she even apologise for this? "I must check around beach city!", she jumped high into a bright light and was met by her home's ceiling, she looked down confused and saw her body, laying on the couch, shaking intensely, while Steven was panicking, she had left her body completely. "Oh no! I was just going to see if I could sense any other gems", she thought, looking down at steven feeling the same regret she felt for those two gems, "but I must do that later", she quickly jumped back to her body.

Blue finally opened her eyes and was met by steven nearly about to cry, pearl sighing from relief, Greg about to call an exorcist and lapis crying. "MUM! YOU'RE BACK!", Steven yelled, quickly jumping on blue and hugging her, "my diamond! You're okay!", lapis said, wiping away tears, "what happened?", she asked, pearl looked at lapis and was about to hush her, "yeah, blue-blue, what happened?", greg asked, moving lapis and pearl out the way "I haven't seen you do that in a while". Blue looked at greg, her expression showing fear, "I need to redeem myself", she said, her voice cracking.

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