Kat arrives with Freya along with Emily and Lia. Chris speaks to Freya for Kats sake but she said the trust is gone and she could never get it back. Chris comes over to with everyone and kisses my cheek "want to tell everyone our idea?" "Idea?" "God your lucky I love you" I just give Chris a look "alright sorry my love anyway me and Leah were thinking we do a family holiday at the end of the season and before the euro camp" "that sounds like a plan to us where are yous thinking?" "Well I said Bali but if anyone else has any suggestions." Diane and Kieth look worried "sweetheart we could never afford that I'm sorry" "but that's the thing mum you don't have to because it was our idea actually it was my idea I will pay" "sweethea.." "mum it will be our first proper family holiday" "we went on holidays Chris" "yeah with that dick who always ruined it but now it will be me you and dad please mum." Oh my god how cute is she "ok baby girl we are in" "thank you" "who else are you paying for?" "Yes Jacob I will pay for you too" "I'm in."

Chris gets the laptop out and we look at holiday destinations and hotels we find the perfect hotel on the beach all inclusive multiple swimming pools it's just perfect. "Right I will be back in a minute" "wait where are you going?" "I'll be back in a minute, don't worry I'm not up to anything" "that means your up to everything" Chris gives me a kiss then leaves the sitting room "what was that about?" "She is up to no good that's what" "I agree Leah she is up to something."

A little while later Chris comes back "care to tell me what you've just done?" "You will find out in due time my love" "Diane how do you ever get any information out of her?" "Easy" Diane clears her throat "Christina Rose Taylor you will tell me what you have just been up to do you understand me" "yes ma'am" "I'm waiting" I've never heard Diane be strict before and I certainly didn't know Chris had a middle name. "I booked us all first class plane tickets and the suites and me and Leah have the deluxe penthouse suite" "see that easy Leah" "your middle name is rose?" "Yeah" "you've never told me how come?" I see tears form in Chris' eyes "you never told me either" I look at Emily and Chris just looks at Diane lost "Rose is Chris' biological mums name" I take Chris' hand pulling her to sit beside me "baby girl I'm so sorry" "it's ok me and Leah are getting married so she was going to find out eventually going to find out. I'm sorry I never told you" "baby if that's the only thing you've not told me I'm sure we're going to be fine so got anymore secrets in your cupboard?" Chris let's out a little chuckle "not secrets just skeletons I keep meaning to get them out and bury them in a shallow grave somewhere but I think nahhh keep them there then I can show everyone who pisses me off what the last person who pissed me off looks like" everyone laughs.

A couple of hours later everyone goes home and Chris is in the kitchen making tea so I go in and she picks me up putting me on the bench "hi my love" "hi my beautiful fiancé" "oooo say that again" "what fiancé?" Chris kisses me "mhmm" I whisper in Chris' ear "my fiancé" I kiss Chris' neck and she shivers "damn that sounds so good" "it's fun to say, so baby what other things do I not know about you no matter how small you think it is" "hmmm ermmm oh I know I hate avocado" "no you don't you eat it like 3 times a week for breakfast" "yeah because it is good for you however have you ever noticed how much seasoning I add to it and how quick I eat it?" "Omg yeah" "yep hate it" "wowww you think you know a person" Chris laughs "what else?" "Hmmm what else, what else oh yeah marrow fat peas?" "Yeah?" "Vulgar hate them with a passion" "how have I not noticed this stuff before?" "Because I always have garden instead so it's still peas what else I was very accident prone as a kid I broke my left wrist more times than I can count, broke my collarbone and dislocated my middle finger" "Jesus" "mum was on first name terms with the cleaner at the hospital" "bet she loved that" "nahhh not really" "how come you never talk about your childhood?" "Because thinking that much about them to this day is still painful. Baby I have never been to their grave" "baby maybe visiting them is what you need for closure if you want to I will come with you, do you know where they are?" "Yeah I do" "well will you think about it?" "Yeah I will" "good now what you cooking?" "Spaghetti and meatballs" "very nice."

Chris is just about finished making tea "tell me a guilty pleasure?" "Ooooo a guilty pleasure now your getting into the deep stuff" "pllleeeeaaaasssseee" "how can I say no to them gorgeous ocean eyes ok here is my biggest guilty pleasure I love musicals" "what no you don't I have never heard you mention musicals once now your taking the piss out of me" "no baby I swear I'm not my favourites include cats and wicked. My favourite musical songs are phantom of the opera, memories from cats but only the Elaine Paige version and defying gravity from wicked but then I also like the wizard and I song from wicked also" "Chris is 3 years we have been together not once have you mentioned musicals ever" "well maybe that's because I was first working then injured then starting my own business that nearly went bust through covid" "your being real right now" "as real as me and you my love" "I don't know if I can believe you I really don't" "ok then." Chris gets her phone out and ring someone putting it on speaker "hi baby girl what's up?" "Mum my guilty pleasure what is my biggest guilty pleasure" "well if it's the same it is musicals why?" "My fiancé does not believe me when I told her this" "oh yeah a massive musical fan" "thank you speak to you soon mum" "bye Chris" she hangs up taking a bow "and thank you" "wowww my fiancé is a loser" "owwww right in the feels there" "I'm joking baby I think it's cute I really do and we will have to go to some" "you don't have to do that my love" "it would be my honour."

Chris puts the tea on the table "erm are you not hungry?" I stay sat on the bench I just lift my arms up so Chris laughs "really?" I smile nodding my head really fast "fine." Chris comes over and picks me up so I wrap my legs around her waist and kiss her. "Oh shit sorry girls" "don't be mate Leah just doesn't feel like walking the 5 steps to the dinner table do you baby?" "Why would I do that when I can be carried the 5 steps by you" "I'll carry you to the ends of the earth, Tony there is some tea on the cooker for you" "thanks Chris." Chris puts me down on my seat and gives me a kiss "how come you got finished late is everything alright?" "Oh I didn't I have been to look at a flat and it is stunning." Tony comes over and shows us the flat "I can be in by next week" "really?" "Yeah bet yous are going to miss me" "I will see you most days at work" "yeah but I'm relaxed Tony here though" "yeah that's true."

Once we all finish eating we clear up then head into the sitting room to watch a movie. But I seem to be distracted, I have learnt so much about Chris tonight that I never knew before. But then have I ever asked the questions before I don't know I don't remember. When I first met Chris I knew there was a deeper side that I wanted to get to but I never imagined it being that deep maybe I need to find out more. After all she is my fiancé now. We're engaged, I'm engaged and I never thought it would feel this amazing.

Leah and her soldierDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora