"Luna told us that you speak with a snake's tongue. She's one of my best friends and I trust her. If you want a deal, you need to make it with her. Not me. She's the only one that you can't fool." She spoke with confidence.

"And what's stopping me from just taking you and killing everyone in this house?" He asked amused.

"Me!" Bonnie spoke loudly as she used her magic to throw Elijah against the wall holding him in place. A golden ring made of light covered in thorns was tightly wrapped around his neck, drawing blood.

"Luna beat you once without trying. If you hurt one of us, she won't go so easy on you like last time. Plus she can get you what you want. Your sibling from Klaus." She spoke remembering what Luna had told her. She knew Luna had beaten Elijah when she was kidnapped in her place and that she already offered a deal to him. "You want a deal? Make it with her, this way we know we can trust what you are saying." Elena spoke with confidence. With Bonnie here Elijah couldn't do anything to them. Bonnie had been trained by Luna for months.

"Fine. Where can I find her?" He questioned in a strained voice as the thorns dug into his neck, making it hard to breathe and making his suit become stained with his blood.

"You don't find her, she finds you," Bonnie explained to him. Luna had told them she would seek him out on her own and not tell Elijah her location. "I'll tell her you want to make a deal. After that, she will come to you when she can." After the witch explained she dropped the original. In the next moment, he was gone, having used his vampire speed to get out through the open window.

After Elijah made his way outside. When he was no longer in their sight, Bonnie quickly pulled out her phone calling Luna.

"He came, just like you said he would," Bonnie explained to Luna who was on the other side of the line.

"Of course, he would. If there is one thing the originals are, it's predictable." Luna explained to her.

"He tried to threaten everyone here, but I put him in his place." The witch told her smugly.

"Amazing to hear. I'm happy your training is having a use." Luna spoke in amusement.

"He wants to make a deal with you."

After their conversation, they ended the call.


Luna's pov

After I talked with Bonnie I checked up on the others. Damon and Enzo were with Kol in the living room watching some show about a zombie apocalypse. I swear there are like a thousand different ones. Personally, I love Z Nation.

Called Jeremy. Tyler's changing went without a hitch. The ring made the transition painless and made it last only seconds. Right now he is with him playing around in the forest. Tyler was having the time of his life running around under the light of the full moon. Meanwhile, Jeremy was running after him trying to keep up.

Stefan and Caroline were at the boarding house. Rose was there packing her final bag. She was leaving tomorrow when Trevor came back. He had gotten what I needed and they were leaving for Italy tomorrow morning.

Elena and Bonnie were at the Gilbert's watching Gossip Girl, not doing anything.

I was getting Enzo, Damon, and Kol dinner when Stefan called me panicking. A werewolf had jumped through the window and attacked Rose. It was coming for Stefan but she had pushed him out of the way. I quickly teleported to them seeing them sitting on the couch.

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