After a couple of hours we go home "right my love come with me" "where are we going?" I take Leah's hand and walk upstairs pulling a brand new outfit out "I need you to wear this tonight" "baby it's beautiful" "a beautiful outfit for a beautiful woman." We get ready "what we doing now baby?" I don't say anything and just take Leah's hand "your chariot awaits my love" I open the door to the chauffeur driven car. Leah gives me a meaningful kiss "hmm wow" she whispers in my ear "you know I love you in a suit." I hold the door open as Leah gets in the car.

We drive into London where we go to Gordon Ramsey's bar and grill. We get seated at our table "how's your day been so far my love?" "Everything has been perfect, everything is perfect baby. Are you going to tell me what else is planned?" "Nope of course I'm not" "and the driver?" "We have him all night" "so he knows where we are going?" "He does but he is under strict instructions because I know exactly what you are like my love" "always 2 steps ahead" "and the rest, when you next at training again?" "Ermm Tuesday" "awesome so I have 2 more days with you but I was thinking" "oh god this is dangerous" "ha ha your hilarious but how about we do a family holiday before you go away for the euro's" "I would love that, who would come?" "Everyone our parents, Jacob, your grandparents, everyone my love" "where would we go?" "Anywhere somewhere sunny" "how would you feel about Bali?" "I say we speak to them and get it booked."

The food arrives and I am super excited I've never had beef wellington before but it looks incredible. Leah ordered a steak and again it looks incredible "how's your food baby?" "I have no words my love would you like to try?" "Of course" Leah tries it "oh my god that's amazing" "I know." I can't help but stare at Leah "what?" "I just love you that's all baby so much" "I love you too baby."

Once we finish eating we get back into the car and we are taken to the river "what we doing here?" "All in good time my love" I get out of the car and open the door for Leah taking her hand. We walk down to the Thames to the eye "we're going on the eye?" "We are my love it is the perfect time of day for it sunset" "you're such a romantic aren't you" "I never used to be, not until I met you." We get on the eye "Leah I've never called anyone baby and especially never my love. You have made me the best version of myself baby and for that I will be eternally grateful."

We stand looking out over London and I'm showing Leah all off my favourite views and she is showing me hers. I am standing behind her with my arms wrapped around her waist. We are just enjoying the view when we reach the bottom of the eye and get off. We then go to one of the bars and sit out having a couple of drinks, none alcoholic for me. Leah takes my hand from across the table "thank you for the most perfect day Chris I have loved every second of it" "we aren't finished yet my love we have one more place to go to" "when are we going?" "Are you finished your drink?" "Yeah" "then now."

We get back into the car and go to the beach "what do you remember about this place Leah?" "What do you mean?" "Just exactly that what do you remember about it?" "We come here often and sit and watch the sunset. I'm always sat in between your legs and you have your arms wrapped around me, what's this about baby?" "Should I tell you what I remember about it?" "Ermm yeah" Leah is looking very confused so I take her hand and we start walking along the beach. "What I remember about it is, when I was allowed to weight bare and aloud to walk for the first time you brought me here because I had been house bound for so long. I remember for the first time in so long I wasn't stuck in my own head in fact my head was clear and it was all thanks to you." Leah goes to say something "please let me get this out" she just nods. "These last few years I went through some of the hardest times of my life and not only did you stick by me you made sure I got through the other side of it. You gave me my family back. You gave me a family, you Leah Williamson are my family. I would give my life for you in a heartbeat no questions asked no hesitation. You always believe in me no matter what whether it be business related or if I fall off the wagon. You always believe that the end result will be a positive one no matter how much I tell you it won't be and you're always right. You are the most kind, caring and beautiful human to ever grace this planet. And stubborn" Leah lets out a small laugh "with the most beautiful soul anyone has the pleasure of coming across. Your smile lights up the darkest of times and your laugh is music to anyone's soul no matter how hard of a time they are having when you laugh it brings a smile to anyone's face. Baby I can't remember a time in my life I was happy when you weren't in it. I thought I was happy but you showed me true happiness and I don't even want to imagine a time in my life where you will never be in it again." I stop walking standing in front of Leah and for the first time I see the tears and I wipe them away then take both hands "baby I love you with my whole heart and everything that I am. I am nothing without you." I get down on one knee pulling the ring box out of my pocket and open it "Leah would you do me the greatest honour and spend the rest of your life with me. Leah Catherine Williamson will you marry me?" Now the tears are in full swing and Leah nods "yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes." I put the ring on Leah's finger standing up and giving Leah a kiss. I pick Leah up and spin her around "I love you so much my love and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" "I love you baby. I love you more than life itself." I kiss Leah again and place lots of little kisses "my beautiful fiancé" Leah has a massive smile on her face "say it again" "what fiancé?" "Yeah" I kiss Leah again along to her ear and whisper "my beautiful" I kiss her "gorgeous" I kiss her again "sexy fiancé."

We decide to do a Group FaceTime with our parents "hey ladies how's the night been?" I'm stood behind Leah with my head on her shoulder and Leah lifts her hand showing the ring "it's been great" "omg this is amazing we are so happy for yous." After spending a couple of minutes on the phone Leah posts a photo in the Arsenal group then posts on her instagram with a caption 'the easiest yes I've ever said.' The floods of support come in and we continue our walk along the beach. We then walk back to the car and get taken to the hotel.

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now