Leah's week from hell

Start from the beginning

Tony arrives "you alright mate?" "Yeah good thanks you?" "Not bad come in" "thanks how's Leah?" "Not too good at the moment but I'll get her there" "I know you will." We go through to the kitchen and I make Tony a cup of tea "so what's going on you said this was important" "me and Sarah are getting a divorce" I quickly spin around "what?" "Yeah it turns out that she has fell in love with someone at work" "your joking please tell me your joking" "I wish I was she is adamant nothing has happened between them and I believe her but I need to find somewhere to stay because I can't take her away from the bairn and I won't have the bairn on the street" "I can understand that but where are you staying at the moment?" "I'm staying in a hotel I was going to see if you wouldn't mind me staying at the gym" "I wish I could I really do but we aren't insured for that. Give me a second."

I go into the sitting room "baby can I talk to you for a second?" "Of course baby what's up?" "Tony and Sarah are getting a divorce" "what?" "I know that was my response, anyways he wants to use the gym to live in but I'm not insured for that so I was wondering.." "if he can stay here?" "If you don't mind my love it's just until he gets his own place" "well I know you would do it for my friends so yeah he can stay" "and this is why your my one baby" I give Leah a kiss then head back into the kitchen. "So instead of staying in a hotel get your stuff you can stay here" "I can't ask that Chris" "you didn't I offered" "but.." "mate how you supposed to do your job to the best of your ability when your stressed and tired so go get your things and come here ok" "thanks so much for this Chris" "no problem, right you go get your stuff and I will see you soon" "ok thanks again."

I go into the sitting room and Leah has fell asleep so I sit on the opposite sofa and pull my laptop out to do some work. As I'm tapping away Leah wakes up "hi my love how are you feeling?" She starts crying so I rush over "hey baby it's ok your going to be ok" "it hurts so bad" "I know my love let me get your tablets and a fresh hot water bottle." I go and get everything before going back into the sitting room. Leah takes her tablets then lies back down "what you up to?" "Just writing up some new online programs" "can I see?" "Of course my love budge up and let me in." Leah sits up and when I sit down she cuddles into my side "so this is the new beginners course" I flick through the pages "then this is the intermediate which I'm not quite finished yet" "so these are just online training courses?" "Yeah but how about I put this down for now and I can give you the biggest cuddle" "yes please."

I put the laptop on the table and Leah comes and sits on my knee cuddling into me "you know Leah if I could I would take this away from you in a heartbeat" "I know you would baby." I text Tony and tell him to just come in when he gets here "what did Jonas say about you not going in?" "He is fine with it he told me to just keep him updated" "good because I would kick his arse if he gave you any shit" "that would be funny to see" "would it cheer you up?" "Maybe" "let's go then." Leah lets out a small laugh "baby?" "Yes my love?" "I miss Bella" "ok baby I will sort it" "what do you mean?" "It means my love I will sort it for you."

We sit and watch some tv when Tony comes in "hi Leah how are you feeling?" "A little better" "good, thank you for this I do really appreciate it and I won't be in your hair for long" "it's fine I know Chris would do it for any of my friends or team mates" "hmmm well I will show you the spare room soon so make yourself at home mate" "thanks." Tony comes in and sits down and Leah cuddles right into me eventually falling asleep. I manage to put Leah on the sofa without waking her and whisper across to Tony "come on tone I'll show you your room." He follows me upstairs to the spare bedroom "this is your room and the bathroom is just down the hall" "this room is huge" "yeah they are pretty big rooms, Tony can I ask a favour?" "Are you kidding have you seen what you have done for me so of course you can" "can you take me to Leah's mums so I can pick Bella up Leah is missing her" "yeah of course."

I phone Beth to come and sit with Leah whilst I am out and then let Amanda know we are on our way. "Hey sweetheart so what happened how come you are here for Bella?" "Leah misses her" "ahhhh right yeah I don't blame you then. Who is with Leah?" "Beth there was no way I was leaving her by herself right now" "she will be alright soon" "I know but it still sucks seeing her like this" "Chris did you drive here?" Amanda points at the car "nooo it's Tony he is staying with us until he is back on his feet" "and Leah is alright with this?" "Yeah she is fine, Amanda he is getting a divorce and had nowhere to stay" "oh bless him, anyways here is Bella's stuff" "thank you so much Amanda, Bella come" Bella runs over and I put her in the car "thanks again Amanda" "no problem at all."

Leah and her soldierWhere stories live. Discover now