2.11 By the Light of the Full Moon

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't matter." I directed my words at all of them, then focused on Elena. "Elena, you need to listen to me. No matter what, and I mean no matter what. Do not make any deals with him. Understood?" I emphasized a lot of my words to make her understand how important this is.

"I understand. But what am I supposed to do if he comes over?" She asked me worriedly.

"Simple. Bonnie will be here to help, she is more than strong enough to deal with him if needed. If he tries to make a deal with you, say nothing. Do not agree to anything. Tell him to come to me and only me." I explained to her.

"But what if he hurts you?" Caroline questioned me worried for my safety.

"He can't. I'm more powerful than him. Plus this is the best way. I'm the only one that can read between the lines. Read the conditions he never directly spoke. I'm the only one he can't trick."

At some point during our conversation, Jeremy had walked into the room.

"What now?" He asked, making his presence known.

"Now, Bonnie and Elena will stay here. Caroline and I are gonna go to the tomb and free Stefan. And you Jeremy are gonna go to Tyler and help him with the werewolf business like you and him already planned."

After that, everyone went their own way. Jeremy left for the Grill where he would be meeting Tyler. Elena and Bonnie went downstairs to make some coffee. Me and Caroline made our way to the tomb.

When we got there I could sense them. Katherine and Stefan were in the back of the tomb. Caroline was standing next to me looking around. I don't think she has ever been here.

"Stefan. Come out, come out, wherever you are." I called out. Moments later Stefan walked to the front right at the barrier while Katherine was only a few meters away.

"Luna, Caroline. What are you doing here?" He asked us confused.

"Luna's gonna get you out, and I'm here because I wanted to check up on you," Caroline explained to him, a faint blush on her face.

Stefan looked at her with the same look Caroline held for him. Both have a faint blush decorating their faces. Neither noticed it but Luna and Katherine did.

Luna was happy they had at least some feelings for one another. This would make it easier for Stefan to not be so focused on Elena even though they aren't dating. Katherine is just happy Stefan likes someone else other than Elena.

"I was wondering when you would show." Katherine's voice spoke out. "I have been stuck in here for a while. And last time I checked we had a deal. So why haven't you helped me before? You just tell me to wait and be patient, well I'm done being patient!" She hissed at me.

"What is she talking about?" Stefan asked me confused.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Katherine stated in fake confusion. "Me and Luna had a deal. She would free me from Klaus and in return I would just have to do something for her. But she never told me what."

Caroline and Stefan looked at me in confusion. Neither believed what they were hearing. They didn't want to believe I had made a deal with her.

"Luna. What is she talking about?" Caroline questioned me softly, believing her friend would never do something if it didn't need to be done.

"What Katherine is talking about is a deal we had made a while back. When she first came here." I started by explaining. A smug expression plastered on Katherine's face. But her expression was soon wiped off her face with my next words. "But the plans have changed."

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