twenty - the attitude ordeal

Start from the beginning

He would make a point to be harder on her now.

Especially since she's a part of an organization that uses gangs and mafia's own tactics against them in order to eradicate them permanently. Was it ethical? Pure? Innocent or non-violent? 

Definitely not.

But they were morally driven. Getting rid of those making the world worse, just by also breaking any common law while doing it. Nine liked to think of them as sometimes lawful evil, still committing crime but for good reason and within the laws of their own design. Perhaps they were even chaotic neutral.

He felt as though he had to put a label on it.

"Fuck, stop," he growled at her.

Her arms fell from her shit punches, her face becoming more of a scowl as she looked up at him while crossing her arms, "What?"

"You aren't even trying. If Parker had gotten his hands on you that night, you would've been royally fucked."

She glared at him, rolling her tongue inside of her mouth before clicking it at him, "You would have that been the case if you got the chance, wouldn't you?"

"Who wouldn't?"

"Normal people, you prick," she spit, walking over to the bench and chugging down some water. 

He watched her with bored eyes, "Maybe the ones who haven't heard you talk yet."

"Says you," she chuckled darkly, "with your stupid fucking accent and your inability to form complete words sometimes."

Nine ignored her, walking over to bench beside her and taking his hoodie off, tossing it to the side. He wasn't wearing a shirt beneath it, but he was getting hot in this room with no circulation. Plus, they were about to do more hands-on practice before he got too tired of her and called it a day.

Not that he needed to justify his actions.

She said nothing as she peeked over at him for a moment, and then returned to drinking a bit more water.

He made his way to the mats, kicking his shoes off and standing in the middle, waiting for her.

She groaned, "I don't want to touch you today. Not in the mood."

"And sometimes you are?" He retorted.

Her cheeks grew red before she could scowl at him again. 

"I just mean that I have better things to do than to have you almost break my ribs again."

He rolled his eyes, "If I wanted to, I could."

"You could've killed me too, but here we are."

"Bird, last time you said that shit, I pulled my gun out. Want to tango again?"

She flared her nostrils before making her way over to him, brushing the slightly dampened hair from her face and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Was it a tango if I also held a gun against you?"

He grit his teeth at the reminder, "It won't happen again. No one touches my fucking gun except me. Now get in stance."

"Yea, except me obviously. You definitely have issues with deciding if you can stand me or not."


She looked up at him with an taunting grin, "Then put me out of my misery, doll."

He almost saw red at her mockery, moving as to quickly make a side-strike at her hips with one hand. His posture remained straight as his face remained stoic, completely unbothered by his own movements towards her smaller frame.

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