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Jasmine let out a muffled groan as her head lay deep in the pillow, fidgeting slightly so she could turn away from the noise.

"Ah come on Jazzy I know you heard me..."

"Prongs is definitely awake, his eyes are literally flickering."

"Jazz just made a noise—I swear to Merlin..."

"Come on angel wake up."

Jasmine sat up with a sour look on her face, instantly, "That's absolutely rank, Sirius, you know that nickname reminds me of—"

"Lockhart? Yeah, I thought that'd wake you up." Sirius snickered before waking back to his bed.

Remus and Peter followed suit to their own respective beds, Peter lingering, "I'm surprised he's actually left you alone now."

"I think he's scared Jazz will knee him in the balls again." Remus snorted, placing his bag on the floor.

"That's our girl." Sirius smirked at the disheveled girl.

"Merlin you're all ready—what time is it?" Jasmine spluttered, sitting up in James' bed, her brother waking up upon the disruption.

Today was the day Jasmine would be free of her imprisonment (Aka school was finishing for the Christmas holidays.) The Hogwarts express would be taking them back home and Jasmine was unsure of how to feel. There was of course the initial excitement that she could get away from the drama of this year and spend time with her actual family, but then she thought of Regulus; was she allowing him to be captured by a darkness he could never possibly escape?

"Woah what's—what's happening—" James yawned, dazed.

"Let's just say you both have twenty minutes to get everything sorted." Remus said, checking his watch.

"And you didn't bloody wake me up? I hate you all!" Jasmine exclaimed, jumping out of bed.

"No we tried and you told us to fuck off and give you ten more minutes like five times." Remus chuckled, raising his hands in defence.

"Yeah, don't blame us for your laziness Prongsetta." Sirius grinned, cheekily, wrapping his arm around Remus.

And Sirius—what could she possibly say about Sirius? How could she possibly tell him what fate he was yet to meet when she was unsure herself. Sirius hated talking about his family's darkness, whilst he was of course one to share his feelings eventually, he often felt a sense of shame when revealing just how cruel they truly are. She could only hope Regulus was wrong about her uncle's invite and warn Sirius to be careful.

"Prongsetta?" She scrunched her face up in disgust, looking between Sirius and James.

"Well you don't have a nickname do you?" Sirius shrugged, loving the annoyance on her face.

"Yeah because you pricks left me out when you were becoming animagi!" Jasmine laughed, shaking her head as she ran to grab her hairbrush out of her bag.

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