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December dragged the unfortunate way it always did as student's exhaustedly awaited the Christmas Holidays. Jasmine, for one, hated the run up to Christmas as she felt she could never truly get excited until school was over. With only a week left, she was only counting down the days.

This year also felt significantly different to past years for an extremely obvious reason—the discovery of secrets within the depths of her family.

Both James and Regulus tried to lift her spirits and keep the irrational guilt from reaching her conscience. Unfortunately trying their hardest wasn't always enough.

"Sorry I'm late Professor...I had a meeting with—"

"Not to worry Miss Meadowes, I've been made aware. Please take a seat, dear." Professor McGonagall gestured to her seat beside Jasmine, a sympathetic expression evident.

She nodded hesitantly and moved to her seat, face as solemn as Jasmine's was when she had to wake up in the morning.

"Cassie?" Jasmine called her name with concern, "Are you alright?"

She cleared her throat and nodded, flashing her a forced smile, "Yeah, fine thanks."

Apprehensively Jasmine accepted her words and turned her head away from Dorcas, fixating her attention on McGonagall's teaching.

After what seemed like half an hour but was actually three minutes, Jasmine turned back to Dorcas tapping her desk to gain her attention once again, "I know you said you were fine but you appear to be crying so..."

Dorcas sighed and wiped her eyes, not even realising the tears had escaped, "Okay maybe I'm not as fine as I said earlier."

"What's the matter, Cas?" Jasmine questioned, lowly, frowning at her friend's flustered state.

"It's um—my Uncle Chris," She replied quickly, staring down at her desk, "He's been...he died."

"What?" Jasmine gasped, sitting up rapidly, "I'm so—how did he die?"

Dorcas stiffened slightly, "It was him."

Jasmine's throat went dry as she stared at her friend, jaw literally dropping as she struggled to find her words, "I'm—I'm so sorry..."

"It's not your fault," Dorcas scoffed, "It's those disgusting blood supremacists...murdering him because he's a Muggleborn..."

"I'm...I'm...sorry—" Jasmine repeated feeling the guilt course through her veins.

Her uncle had killed her friend's uncle. He had taken another life and Jasmine had to sit and pretend like she knew nothing about it.

"My mum's in bits..." Dorcas muttered under her breath, her voice shaking, "She wants to pull me out of school but with only a week left I suppose there's no point..."

"You're so brave, Cas." Jasmine looked at her with sad eyes, a sinking feeling present.

"I wish I didn't have to be brave," She exhaled shaking her head, "I'm fucking scared Jazz..."

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