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Regulus guided Jasmine outside the common room with a sense of irritated protectiveness. He lead her, hands still gripping her shoulders to a pillar where Jasmine stood against. Regulus let go, towering over her, face engrained with frustration as he searched her eyes, trying to figure her out.

"What in Salazar's name was that?" Regulus whispered, sharply, "What's going on with you?"

"Don't act like you care, Regulus," She spat, "What's going to happen after I confide in you? Are you going to throw it back in my face tomorrow's detention?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Potter," He snapped before recalculating, claiming a softer tone, "Just talk to me."

Jasmine exhaled before looking past him, trying her hardest not to break in front of him, "I don't know what's going on. I just have moments when I feel so...angry and upset it's like I could..."

Regulus raised a brow, indicating for her to continue making her sigh, ashamed, " I could hurt someone."

He nodded absentmindedly, "So that's why you—"

"Hurt Snape. Lockhart I suppose..." She trailed off, awkwardly.

"Luckily for me, I witnessed both." Regulus chuckled, amused.

"Yeah well the Lockhart altercation was significantly more tragic," She scoffed, "The bastard can't take no for an answer."

"I saw that." Regulus spoke quietly a peculiar look in his eye.

"And you did nothing? Why am I not surprised." Jasmine furrowed her brows in irritation.

"I was about to but you seemed to beat me to it...there was a reason I was stood behind you, Potter." He said, blankly, promptly shutting her up.

"So this is a recent thing?" He muttered, curiously.

"I can definitely differentiate between my usual anger and pure rage." She spoke, thickly.

Regulus' jaw clenched as if he were trying not to snap at her. He breathed out slowly before clearing his throat, "Is it...hormones?"

Jasmine's eyes burned, glaring at the boy before opening her mouth to say something, "A—"

"Yeah no sorry I didn't think you'd like that one," He smiled sheepishly, "Do you have anyone you to?"

Jasmine examined the boy's face, utterly perplexed at his attempt at comfort. It was uncomfortable and yet she wanted to see this side of him more often.

"I have all my friends but...I don't want to scare them...or have them be scared of me." She whispered the last part.

"If they're scared of you then they aren't your real friends." Regulus shrugged, eyes training on her furrowed brow.

"Aren't you the one who said my friends should be scared of me?" She scoffed, bitterly, dropping her gaze to the floor.

Regulus' gaze didn't drop from her face, not once. As the silence made the air grow tight, she turned to him expectedly, standing up straight making the space between them more and more enclosed.

"I shouldn't have said that." He said so quietly she almost didn't hear it.

Jasmine swallowed, unsure on how to comprehend his words, "No, you shouldn't have."

She ran a hand through her hair making Regulus realise their proximity as she almost hit him. He stepped back apprehensively.

Jasmine continued, a curious look on her face, "My parents would freak out and probably homeschool me..."

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