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august 27th, 1934

Rain patted lightly embracing the melancholy nature of a pre-autumnal britain. August was coming to a close as was the conclusion of Marvin's adolescence as he knew it. He lay cautiously in his bed in their small house, listening in to his parent's argue.

"My vowed to love me forever! You said it—I heard it! Or does my mind deceive me?!" His mother whispered, fiercely.

"Your mind certainly isn't intact if you're so delusional you can't even comprehend why what you have been doing is so sick!" His father roared, unapologetically, uncaring as to if he woke his children.

The woman gasped,"Darling I—I don't know what you mean..."

"How dare you call me that!" The man snapped, "You don't even respect me enough to grant me with your honesty!"

Marvin could sense his mother was crying, she did it often it was easy enough to tell, "I don't know what you're referring to."

"I had a fiancé! A family! And you forced me away from them! Had me wrapped under your...your spell!"

"It wasn't a spell." She spoke without hesitation before covering her mouth in shock.

"So you admit you forced this on me? Forced yourself upon me? Bore children I didn't ask for?!" He was crying now too. Marvin had never seen his dad cry, he always seemed to have a permanent dopey grin on his face.

"I did nothing of the sort! You love me, just tell me you love me!" The woman wailed.

"You didn't give me the choice! Why would I ever choose to love someone as despicable as you!"

"Because we're perfect for each other!" She sobbed, the sound of her footsteps padding across the floor—Marvin assumed she had stepped closer to him, "What are you going to do- l-leave me and the kids?"

"You disgust me." He scoffed, presumably walking away from her, "You think I want anything to do with—with you? With people like you?"

"Our children just so happen to be people like me!" She hissed.

"Georgie isn't." The man muttered.

Marvin inhaled, eyes narrowing. He had heard his mother whisper talk of Georgina not possessing any magical ability. Upon hearing it, he felt victorious and slightly smug he had done something better than her. But, now he was wishing he had no magic himself.

"What are you saying?" She whimpered.

"That little girl needs to get away from you. I'd never forgive myself if she became anything like you." He spoke, sharply.

"You're going to take Georgina? And leave our son?!" She shouted, now getting angry.

"Don't try to guilt me. I've never been able to connect with our son and now I know why."

Marvin watched Georgina sleeping in the corner in her cot. She was two years old and sound asleep despite their parents screaming at each other. She looked truly perfect and it made Marvin scowl.

"You can't be—"

"What do you want from me!?" He cried, "Money? Status? Tell me what is is that made you go this far!"

"I wanted you! You have to see that!" She responded, wails becoming more incoherent.

"This isn't love!" He screamed, "This is sick! You're sick you need—you need professional help!"

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