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The next few days were rough for Jasmine, as to be expected, she was unsure on how to move on with her life as if she hadn't received some earth shattering news. Dumbledore advised to keep the information to herself as she would most likely be faced with a plethora of different opinions—something she had never even thought about, how her peers would look at her if they ever knew. How could they separate her from Voldemort if she herself was struggling to?

"Merlin...look at this..." Frank Longbottom exhaled shakily as he placed The Daily Prophet in front of Jasmine and the other marauders.

It was breakfast and Jasmine had zoned out, watching tiredly as the owls delivered different things to the students around her.

Sirius placed his goblet down and picked up the newspaper, cautiously, "Fuck..."

"What's it say, Padfoot?" Peter asked, curiously watching his grim facial expression.


It is no secret there has been a rise in dark wizardry with the uprise of 'unexplained' Muggle in Britain however, now there has been a 60% increase on hate crimes targeting wizards without a Pureblood background.

Last Saturday a concerned man, aged twenty three, expressed his concerns about his neighbours; a happy and 'warm' family with two children a third on the way. They were reported to have not left their house in three days when our witness grew suspicious claiming '[unconfirmed] would always say hello to me as he left for work at half seven in the morning.'

When our witness went to check on this family out of concern, he was shocked to see the entire family slaughtered, a result of torture and the killing curse—

"That's enough, Black, it's a bit much for first thing in the morning don't you think?" Lacey tutted, stood beside the other Gryffindor's who stopped to listen.

"Nobody asked you to listen, Lockhart." Remus defended Sirius with a irritated expression on his face.

After investigation Aurors can confirm the family was murdered in the exact same way a Muggleborn family was the past two weeks before. 'It's less of a pattern,' Auror Alastor Moody stated, 'more of a warning that Muggles, Muggleborns and even Halfbloods are not safe.'

After plenty of speculation, the authorities have come to the conclusion it is down to the same Wizard, the serial killer who goes by the name of Voldemort. (See pg.15 to learn more about him and his followers.)

The real unsettling question we are left with is how long will this 'warning' continue until we should all start to fear for our lives?

Jasmine sat and stared at the newspaper as she gulped, pain coursing through her throat as she struggled to keep her emotions at bay. Staring at his name—if you could even call it his name. She could feel James' firm eyes on her but she didn't give in, keeping her eyes fixated on the paper.

"It's getting worse..." Marlene commented, putting her hand over her mouth as she processed the words.

"I'm glad there's only a few weeks left until the Christmas break," Frank commented, solemnly, "I've heard even association with Muggleborns is enough to put you in danger."

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