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Dear Jasmine Georgina Riddle—

"Oh that cheeky prick." Jasmine fumed as she clutched the letter in her hands.

Jasmine and Regulus sat beside each other in the library, on the same table but 'tactfully' sat a few seats apart. Jasmine swore it was the perfect cover that Friday afternoon as she interrupted Regulus revision session.

He looked up from his textbook, cautiously, "Madam Pince is going to throw you out if you're not careful."

"I don't care," Jasmine scoffed in annoyance, "My uncle's an evil fascist, I have bigger things to think about."

"Jazz come on he wants this reaction out of you...keep reading." Regulus encouraged her, smiling at her slightly making her hardened stare soften.

I have attempted to contact you multiple times and yet I have still received not a single reply, I am not surprised those blood traitors raised a child with no manners.

"I mean seriously, who does he think he is?" She spat, making a first year jump as he walked past.

"Potter, think about the volume at which you are speaking right now." Regulus raised his brows as he looked towards the group of third year Hufflepuffs staring at them.

Jasmine was about to question him before realisation dawned upon her, putting on her best glare, "Shut your mouth Black, I'll do what I want."

The Hufflepuffs turned away, seemingly satisfied, causing Regulus to turn back to her, interested, "Keep going."

I want to continue our meetings Jasmine, as I am sure you do too. All I need from you is to bring me my locket and I can reveal to you our family's legacy that was once besmirched by muggles and mudbloods alike. I can make you into something special, Jasmine.

You Know Who.

"He wants to what?" Regulus choked out, louder than he expected.

Jasmine ignored his exclamation, hands shaking in anger as she stared down at the letter, "Fucking 'You Know Who' who the fuck does he think he is?"

"Jasmine," Regulus whispered, getting up to sit directly beside her, "You can't meet with him again."

"And why not?" Jasmine raised a brow, waving the letter about, "Invitations right here."

"Don't do that," Regulus commanded, sternly, snatching the paper, "Don't act like he isn't dangerous."

"Oi!" Jasmine exclaimed before he shushed her, "I know he's dangerous I'm not a bloody idiot—I can handle myself."

"Not against him, Jasmine," He emphasised, shaking his head desperately, "Just because he hasn't hurt you yet doesn't mean he won't."

"If I could just face him when I'm slightly...less off-guard—"

"No, I'm not letting that happen." Regulus interrupted her.

"Well it's not your decision, is it?" She scoffed, sitting back in her chair in irritation.

Regulus groaned in frustration, "Jasmine he' just—you can't."

𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 | REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now