chapter 32 the return of mr universe

Comenzar desde el principio

"You know lapis, you've inspired me lately", Greg said, surprising everyone, "i-i have?" Lapis asked, just as shocked as everybody else. "Yeah, the story about you being trapped in the mirror and your powers had inspired me to make more music I even have a album cover idea", he said showing his drawing to everyone. The drawing had the words "WATER WITCH" written at the top and showed a very well done drawing of lapis summoning water all around her. "Wow", lapis said, holding the picture, "your drawing skills is just as good as Pearl's!".

"A Mr universe come back?", blue said, "I never thought I'd see the day, didn't that mayor man say you could save the entire economy of this town just through your fame?". Greg laid back and looked at his album cover, "so I take it you guys like the art, I've got some song ideas but it would be better if lapis herself helped me with it", he said, writing some lyrics and song names on the other side of the paper. "I'd be honoured!", lapis said, pearl looked at her and leaned into her ear and wispered, "I won't trust that man, he will try and take your heart, like he took our diamond's", lapis looked back at her confused and went to sit next Greg and discuss music with him.

"Wait what else happened at the zoo?", Connie asked blue and steven, slightly annoyed greg had interrupted them. "oh well, my mum's sister was also there and she was being mean like usual", Steven said, he wanted to keep it simple as talking about yellow diamond made everyone uncomfortable. "That was about it. Connie isn't it getting late now? Won't your parents be worrying about you?" Blue asked, Connie quickly told her that her mother is busy again and thay she will stay here for the time being.

"Alright so my idea for the first track of the album will be about the mirror, do you remember what it was like in there lazuli?", Greg asked, lapis just looked back at him, the way he spoke about the mirror like that felt offensive to her, "it was a small, broken prison, people used me for info I didn't even know, I was abandoned on earth for thousands of years before my diamond found me", she said in a very cold voice, Greg wasn't phased just quickly writing lyrics while wispering, "this album is gonna be so good!", to himself, pearl was watching all of this and cringed.

"Anyway I'm gonna go take this off now", blue said, standing up and about to walk up the stairs, "please don't!", Connie pleaded, blue looked back, confused and asked, "why?", Connie studdered and blushed, "it's just erm...can I draw you?", blue nodded and went back to where they where sitting, Connie seemed like a nice girl so there wasn't any harm in that.

Connie drew blue and steven sitting together in their zoo clothes, she made sure to have as much detail on blue as possible, during this Greg asked lapis if she'd come to his van with him so they could discuss and even sing some of their planned songs in private. "shouldn't we ask my diamond first?", lapis nervously asked, fearing blue wouldn't like her leaving, "blue obeys me, if I told her gems to do something she'd make them do it!", Greg said with authority in his voice. Lapis quickly agreed and walked outside to his van with him, pearl wanted to chase after but feared her diamond seeing, she seemed distracted enough with Connie so made a run for the door.

"And done!", Connie said, proudly showing them the drawing, "I'm so skinny in it!", Steven joked, comparing his chubby real body to the thin, anime body Connie gave him. "Oh wow Connie it's so good and detailed, there's just one weird thing ive noticed", blue said, looking at the drawing, "why do I have so much more detail compared to steven?", Connie automatically became quite awkward about this and struddered, "oh...its just because you're and adult and I focused on you more".

"What a minute....where's pearl?", Steven asked, standing up and looking around, "where's lapis and Mr universe too?", Connie said, both of them looked at eachother, confused to where they had gone. "They must be in his van for his music, I'll go see them, you two stay here", blue said, quickly walking off, Connie wanted to follow after but was stopped by steven.

Blue made her way to the van that was parked outside, it was night now and she was suprised she couldn't hear any music coming from the van as she got closer. Blue knocked on the back doors to the van and pearl quickly opened them from the inside, she was holding a camera while lapis held two microphones, one for herself and one pointed to Greg who was holding a guitar. "My diamond!", pearl gasped, dropping the camera and bowing, "how's the music going?" Blue asked, her friendly voice calming down the tense lapis and pearl. "Great! This is really gonna be a comeback album lapis is amazing!", Greg exclaimed, pulling lapis to him, "do you wanna join in on our demos?", he asked.

Now Connie and steven where alone and it felt awkward, Steven could see Connie's other drawings now and they where all of his mother, it felt weird. "Steven, will you ever go to that zoo again?", Connie asked, "I like the zoo clothes maybe I can go next time", Steven quickly told her "no!", that zoo place was hell! he really needs to tell Connie about the whole choosening incident. "Awww ill miss seeing you and your mom in those zoo clothes, you both looked so cool", she complained, Steven looked at her surprised, "you think I look cool dressed like this?", he asked, lightly blushing, "yeah! You and your mom gotta wear those suits all the time!", she said.

"WE'RE BACK!", Greg yelled, bursting open the door with the other gems standing behing him, "Mr universe is back baby," he held up the first recording of his new songs in the air. "You already made some new songs dad!", Steven exclaimed, running to his father, "can I listen? Can I? Can I?", he started to jump in the air from excitement. "Alright Schu-ball but this is top secret don't leak My new songs!", Greg joked to him.

Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora