1969 - Bobby Solo e Iva Zanicchi, Zingara (Cap.040 ENG)

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⚠️Alert= Zingara is the song that won the 1969 edition of the Sanremo Festival. It was presented at the Festival in a double performance by Bobby Solo and Iva Zanicchi. The latter version is the best known, even though Bobby Solo's version topped the charts in Italy for a fortnight. Zingara, written by Enrico Riccardi and Luigi Albertelli, had been proposed to Gianni Morandi, who turned it down but nevertheless wanted to participate in the making of the record by playing guitar in the arrangement for Bobby Solo. The lyrics revolve around the character of a gypsy woman who is asked, with the famous opening imperative Prendi questa mano zingara (Take this gypsy hand), to read in her hand the fate of a love. Zingara / Io sogno published in 1969 is a 45 rpm by the Italian singer Iva Zanicchi. Both tracks were later included in the album Iva senza tempo released in May 1970. This was Iva Zanicchi's second victory at the Sanremo Festival, the first having been won in 1967 with the song Non pensare a me. This victory at Sanremo allowed her to represent Italy at the Eurofestival in Madrid with the song Due grosse lacrime bianche where she placed thirteenth. As he himself declared, for the lyrics of Zingara the author Luigi Albertelli was inspired by a novel by David Herbert Lawrence, The Virgin and the Gypsy, which he read in 1967. Zingara / Io sogno released in 1969 is a 45 rpm single by Italian singer Iva Zanicchi. Both tracks were later included in the album Iva senza tempo released in May 1970. This was Iva Zanicchi's second victory at the Sanremo Festival, the first having been won in 1967 with the song Non pensare a me. This victory at Sanremo allowed her to represent Italy at the Eurofestival in Madrid with the song Due grosse lacrime bianche where she placed thirteenth.

The lyrics of the song:

Take this hand, gypsy

Tell me what fate I shall have

Speak of my love

I am not afraid

Because I know now

It does not belong to me

Look into my eyes, gypsy

See the gold in his hair

Tell me if he loves me back

Part of my love

You must say this

It's your turn

But if it is written

I will lose her

Like snow in the sun

A love will melt

Take this hand, gypsy

But if it is written that

I will lose her

Like snow in the sun

A love will melt away

Take this hand, gypsy

Read what my fate will be

Tell me that you love me

Give me hope

That's all that matters to me now

Official video:

My vote:

The grade I would give this song is 10/10. Listen to it at least once to understand why I gave it this rating it is beautiful in my opinion. There are no words to describe the beauty of the song even though I have to admit it's not a genre I listen to very often. This coming from someone who is an avid AC/DC fan.

--- ( Writing Corner ) ---

The text you find here above⬆️ is the version translated into English by me, if you want to read the original text you can find it in the previous chapter⬆️.

That said, let me know below at commenti⬇️ what you thought of this chapter. I can now leave you to read the next chapter.

By Lea ^ _ ~

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