1951 - Nilla Pizzi, Grazie dei fior(Cap.004 ENG)

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⚠️AlertGrazie dei fiori is a song by Nilla Pizzi, written by Mario Panzeri and Gian Carlo Testoni to music by Saverio Seracini, winner of the 1951 Sanremo Festival. On 31 January 1951, in the ballroom of the Sanremo casino, official presenter Nunzio Filogamo, the first edition of the newly born Sanremo Festival came to an end. The final evening saw the participation of only three singers: Nilla Pizzi, the Duo Fasano and Achille Togliani. Nilla Pizzi also won second place, paired with Achille Togliani, with the song 'La luna si veste d'argento'. At first, the authors, Mario Panzeri and Gian Carlo Testoni, and the musician Saverio Seracini, had been unable to find a publishing house interested in acquiring the song and, when the Sanremo announcement came out, they sent it to the commission, which accepted the song and entrusted its performance to Nilla Pizzi. The arrangement in beguine time ('beguine serenata' specifies the original score) and a triple change of rhythm make it an interesting song, certainly above the standards of the time.

The lyrics of the song:

Thanks for the flowers

Of all the others I recognised them

They hurt me, yet I liked them

They are red roses and speak of love

And thank you again

That on this day you reminded me

But if our love is lost

Why do you want to torment our heart?

Amidst those roses, there are many thorns

Sorrowful memories of those who loved

They are pages already closed

With the word "end

Thank you for the flowers

Among all the others I recognised them

They hurt me, yet I liked them

They are red roses and speak of love

And thank you again

That on this day you reminded me

But if our love is lost

Why do you want to torment our heart?

Amidst those roses, there are many thorns

Sorrowful memories of those who loved

They are pages already closed

With the word "end

Thank you for the flowers

Among all the others I recognised them

They hurt me, yet I liked them

They are red roses and they speak of love

They are red roses and they speak of love

Official video:

The video is noticeable that it is in black and white, but you should know that the Sanremo Festival and this song in particular are 74 years old, especially if you count 1951 when Italy was still reforming after the end of World War II. Rai did not yet exist, having been born in 1954 and having completed its 70th year this year. So at the debut of this song, Rai did not yet exist. And here is the first music video of the very first song that won the Sanremo Festival. What do you think of the song in question? Did you know of its existence?

My vote:

The grade I would give this song is 10/10. It is beautiful and deserved to win the festival in my personal opinion. Obviously that festival there I mean the very first festival was not seen by many people and I am sorry because personally this song deserves to be heard. What can I say but listen to believe. It deserves in my opinion to be recognised even now for the emotional beauty it expresses.

--- ( Writing Corner ) ---

The text you find here above⬆️ is the version translated into English by me, if you want to read the original text you can find it in the previous chapter⬆️.

What can I say, here is the first song to win Italy's most popular festival. What do you think. I am sincerely curious to continue writing this manuscript of mine I hope you will be interested because I warn you that the descriptions will change with each song and having said that let me know below at commenti⬇️ what you think of this chapter. I can now leave you to read the next chapter.

By Lea ^ _ ~

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