1964-Gigliola Cinquetti e Patricia Carli, Non Ho L'età(Per Amarti)(Cap.030 ENG)

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⚠️Alert=Non ho l'età(per amarti) is a piece of music written by Nisa, Mario Panzeri and Gene Colonnello for the music and by Nisa and Colonnello alone for the lyrics, presented at the 1964 Sanremo Festival; the rules of the event stipulated that each composer could only bring one tune to the competition, so Colonnello chose to sign only L'inverno cosa fai?, interpreted by Piero Focaccia and Bobby Rydell. Later, however, the song was also regularly credited to him at the SIAE. Sung at the Sanremo Festival by the then 16-year-old Gigliola Cinquetti in tandem with the Italo-Belgian Patricia Carli, the song surprisingly came out on top, beating off competition from big names in the competition such as Claudio Villa, Milva, Gino Paoli and Domenico Modugno. Carli presented the song with lyrics in French, while keeping the title in Italian. Cinquetti recorded the song on the 45 rpm Non ho l'età (per amarti)/Sei un bravo ragazzo (CGD, N 9486), while Patricia Carli included it in Non ho l'età (per amarti)/Così felice (Bel Air, ba 11001). In March of that year, Cinquetti herself took the song to the Eurovision Grand Prix in Copenhagen, where it was a true triumph: her performance received 49 votes, almost three times as many as those of the runner-up, Britain's Matt Monro; this proportion has never since been equalled by any other winner. The feat gave Italy its first ever victory in the European singing competition. In the wake of this success, Non ho l'età topped the charts in several European countries. Gigliola Cinquetti recorded several translated covers: Luna nel blu for the German market, No tengo edad for the Spanish market, Je suis à toi for the French market, This Is My Prayer for English-speakers and Yumemiru omoi in Japanese; for the Icelandic public, however, the song Heyr mína bæn (Listen to My Prayer) was a complete rewriting of the lyrics. In the same year that the song was released, Nancy Cuomo recorded her own version for the Neapolitan record label KappaO.

The lyrics of the song:

I am not old enough,

I'm not old enough

to love you,

I'm not old enough

To go out alone with you.

And I wouldn't have,

I wouldn't have anything to say to you,

because you know so much more than I do.

Let me live

a romantic love

Waiting for that day to come,

but not now...

I'm not old enough,

I'm not old enough

to love you,

I'm not old enough

To go out alone with you.

If you'll want to,

if you'll want to wait for me,

that day you'll have

all my love for you.

Let me live

a romantic love

waiting for that day to come,

but not now...

I'm not old enough,

I'm not old enough

to love you,

I'm not old enough

To go out alone with you.

If you'll want to,

if you'll want to wait for me,

that day you'll have all my love for you.

Official video:

On the Sanremo stage:

My vote:

The grade I would give this song is 10/10. Beautiful song I'm loving it like crazy Feel it to believe it.

--- ( Writing Corner ) ---

The text you find here above⬆️ is the version translated into English by me, if you want to read the original text you can find it in the previous chapter⬆️.

That said, let me know below at commenti⬇️ what you thought of this chapter. I can now leave you to read the next chapter.

By Lea ^ _ ~

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