1975 - Gilda, Ragazza del Sud (Cap.052 ENG)

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⚠️Alert= Ragazza del sud is a piece of music composed by Rosangela Scalabrino and arranged by Raf Cristiano, released in 1975 on the 45 rpm Ragazza del sud/Nina la bionda; the song was presented at the 1975 Sanremo Festival with the songwriter's interpretation and placed first, winning the Festival. In that year, the Sanremo festival reached its lowest point in terms of success and audience, due to the boycott of some record companies who, in some cases, did not enter any artists, and the consequent poor coverage by RAI, precisely because of the lack of big names (the best known artists had been Rosanna Fratello, Angela Luce, Nico dei Gabbiani and the group La Quinta Faccia. The awarding of the musical piece created a trail of controversy: the critics judged the song and the singer excessively, describing it as reminiscent of the atmosphere of a village festival, and the whole story was defined as an episode of subculture.

The lyrics of the song:

Girl you hurry

because mass is playing,

you walk with your head down,

you smile at those you know.

You were born in a country

Of orange and oleander trees,

you were taught to believe,

To live waiting... for him...

You don't cut the braid,

it will be your first love

to undo your hair

And then you will tremble

Southern girl

you who dream of my world

Look only at my face

Southern girl.

Beneath that

That hides the smile

look deeper into the depths

a hundred days of life,

a thousand years of life,

the first kiss I had,

I don't remember from whom.

My time doesn't count,

no, southern girl.

You stay and embroider

your name on the sheet,

peeping in at the window

With the first heartbeat.

I will leave dreaming

maybe a little myself

if I still know

How to dream again

Southern girl,

Call me lady

And look in admiration

At the clothes that I wear

Southern girl

I'd give anything

To have your look:

a hundred days of life,

a thousand years of life,

I am the same age as you,

but since when I don't know.

My time doesn't count,

no, southern girl.

Official video:

On the Sanremo stage:

My vote:

The grade I would give this song is 08/10.

--- ( Writing Corner ) ---

The text you find here above⬆️ is the version translated into English by me, if you want to read the original text you can find it in the previous chapter⬆️.

It is not my favourite genre of music, but that does not mean it is a song to be discarded: I recommend you listen to it.

That said, let me know below at commenti⬇️ what you thought of this chapter. I can now leave you to read the next chapter.

By Lea ^ _ ~

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