Thirty of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Arthur POV (Memory)

"What is this?"

"HEY! Don't touch that! You moved in today and you already think you can touch everything you see"

"Sorry I didn't mean to but you don't look like a diary guy"

"It's not a diary! It's a book I put thought in. Or I want something to disappear from my mind!"

"So a diary"

"It's not a fucking diary! It is a thought book!"

"A other word for diary"

"Okay it is a diary! But don't lie and tell me you don't have one!"

"I have three actually. Because two of them have no papers left so I needed to get a third one"

"You okay?"

"Yes, now when I live here with you guys"

"Good because this going to be your forever home until the day I die. After that you can choose were you want to live"

Arthur POV

I was sitting in my room looking at black blazer and pants. I already had a black shirt with a black tie on and some black underwear and socks. We had still don't open Lando diary because neither me, Marco or Pato could because it was too much pain already of just looking at it. The diary was laying on the living room table since I took it from Lando room. I couldn't even go to the living room anymore because it hurts to know that I took the book from Lando without permission.

"Are you ready to go Arthur?" Marco said that interrupted me in my thoughts.


"Put your pants on. We have to leave now. You don't have to wear the blazer"

"Okay but I want to" I said as I put my pants and threw the blazer on my shoulder. Put some perfume on before me and Marco walked downstairs and put on the black shoes Pato had brought for us for today. We walked out and Pato locked the door before we all just stopped in front of the fiat jolly.

"Lando would have wanted us to take this one to church. He is so different sometimes" Pato said as he was holding back the tears. So we all just took a deep breath, jumped in to the car and Pato started the engine. Then Marco turned on music Lando loved because this day was his. When we got to the church we met up with the priest and he showed us the coffin. Everything was perfect and actually want Lando would have wanted. After that we went to like the hallway or whatever and waited for everyone to arrive.

"Who is going to come?"

"Lando family and friends. Some from Indycar and motogp. Found out that none of us have a race this weekend so it was perfect. I'm also guessing that many drivers from formula one is also coming" Pato said and I just nod before all of us look at the door because someone opened it. It was Lando family and his childhood friend Max Fewtrell and his girlfriend. Then some other people I found out it was from Lando group Quadrant. 1 minute later my mom came with Charles and Lorenzo who had his girlfriend with him. All of them gave me a big hug before searching for somewhere to sit. After that came Daniel and many others drivers from F1. Daniel was going to sit next to me because he was my man and Lando also was the first person who actually 100% knew about my love life. Then after like 30 minutes later everyone had finally arrived and the funeral had started. The priest was talking and about memories we had told him to share and other stuff. Everything was just extremely beautiful and exactly like Pato and Marco had planned. After everything was done in the church we told that we have fixed a build that we would eat some good food and some dessert while talking about memories and stuff like that. But after everyone had left so it was only me, Marco, Pato and Lando mom left we all just broke down in tears around the coffin while we were holding roses that was in Lando favorite color. To see a mother cry over her son she had just lost was heartbreaking and wanted to anything to bring him back to life. So instead I gave her a hug and both Marco and Pato joined in.

"I never thought I would have to buried my own son. He was too good for this world. My sweet little baby"

"No mother should never have to buried their own child"

"But let him rest in peace now" Marco said before we let go of Lando mom so we could take a deep breath before joining everyone else in the other building. When we got there everyone was standing outside and waiting for us to arrive because they wanted us to be the first one who entered the building. After we had entered and sat down by the tables, everything went loud because everyone was talking to each other about fun memories and moments. I just looked around and smiled. It felt good to see who many people Lando actually had and cared about him but also really missed him now. I just wish that I had more time with him and get to know him better than I did. But I was thankful for the time I had with him and all the memories had with him that was only mine.

"You are smiling and crying Art. Do you think this is beautiful?"

"Extremely beautiful Bezz. Look at all those beautiful people that have come today. Everyone has their own memories and stories about Lando. It's so special. He was a beautiful man who deserved something special" I said as I face Marco who was now crying because what I said. I just smiled before everyone got interrupted by waitress who came in with a lot of food. We were sitting together with Lando parents and siblings. Lando mom was smiling a few times at me before I looked over to Pato because he had put a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright?"

"Yea but I just got a question"


"It's about the house"

"What about it?"

"Lando dad wants it" Pato whispered and I think he saw the shock and pain in my eyes because then he started smiling. "I said it was not for sale. That is our biggest memory with Lando. Thanks to him and his intrusive thoughts to buy the house in Monaco. He brought us together like a family. And we going to stay that way forever" he said and I just let out a released sigh and hugged him tightly. And in that moment it almost felt like Lando was there and hugged us also. But we got interrupted by that Marco was going to make a speech and other stuff. The rest of the day was just a good time. I heard so many stories about Lando crazy intrusive thoughts, that he had one time just brought a parrot home and named it Godzilla. His older brother still has it at his home. One other story was that Lando had showed up at his friend's house middle of the night and told him that they were going on a road trip. But they didn't know where to go because Lando didn't planned the trip so they got lost in Spain and France then Italy. I just laughed at that story and all the other ones. To hear so many good and fun stories about Lando made me feel extremely close to him. Like he was here laughing beside me. I would rather remember Lando with joy than with sadness. His smile was shining brighter than all the stars and the sun together. He had a beautiful soul even if he did stupid mistakes. He was one of the kindest people I have ever met in my life and he always going to have a special place in my heart. And one day I would be able to read his diary together with Pato and Marco but not yet or for a year. But someday I will.

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