Twenty of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Arthur POV


"We know Russell! Everyone knows!"

"Don't be grumpy now Verstappen! You already had your home race! Now it's my turn" George said and Max just rolled his eyes while I just laughed at them. "By the way have you guys seen Alex anywhere?"


"Like Arthur said. No we haven't seen your boyfriend anywhere!"

"He is not my boyfriend!"

"Yea sure!"

"Oh shut up. You just jealous because you can't get Lewis in bed"

"I'm not jealous here!"

"Yea sure and I'm together with Alex who has a GIRLFRIEND" George said while rolling his eyes at Max.

"I'm not fucking jealous!" Max said as he grabbed George shirt who was now looking terrified.

"Okay! George is just messing with you okay! So can you let go of him now" I said and Max actually let go of George who took a few steps back from us. After that we started walking and stopped outside of the hotel where Red Bull was staying. And before Max disappeared inside he turned around and smiled big.

"By the way George. I have many times get Lewis in bed without clothes" he winked before he just disappeared and left George extremely confused and in shock. I just laughed and grabbed his arm to start walking over to his hotel. But when we were standing outside of George hotel he just grabbed my arm and started running inside while screaming after Lewis. Then we got to the right floor and stopped beside a door and George started banging and yelling.

"WHAT THE FUCK GEORGE! WHAT DO YOU WANT" Lewis scream as he opened the door.

"Have you slept with fucking Max Verstappen?!"

"Yea? We are together so yea"


"Since two years ago. Everyone knows"


"Not my fault that you are stupid"


"No thanks. I rather fuck Max instead" Lewis said and George just rolled his eyes and left. Both me and Lewis laughed before we said goodbye and I left to go to my hotel. On the way Lando called and we talked all the way until I was in my room then Marco called me so I put him in the call. We talked for like 3 hours before Lando and Marco said they needed to go so we hung up and I went to bed but woke up later to Daniel laid down on the bed.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's okay" I just answered while cuddling in to his arms and kissed his chest.

"When are we going to meet up with Lando tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I told him that I going to text him when we have woken up"

"Okay" Daniel said while he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me softly on my lips. After that we just fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day I woke up before the alarm went off so I took a quick shower and got dressed before I sat down on the bed waiting for the alarm to go off. Few minutes later it did so I turned it off and kissed Daniel on the forehead and he wrapped his arms around me. Our lips met but we got interrupted by that Daniel phone called. It was Zak who wanted him to come earlier because Daniel got an interview and Zak forgot to inform him. So Daniel gave me a kiss after he had hung up then he got dressed and left. So I just took a deep breath and started looking for my phone.

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