Twenty four of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Arthur POV

"You sure you can drive this weekend? You and Charles crash last weekend was horrible!"

"Yes handsome! You don't have to be worried!"

"Tell Pat that! He begged me for five hours that I should come here to keep an eye on you! Fabio called me two days ago and asked me to come to his race but I needed to say no because Pato forced me to go here!"

"Poor you! You can go and watch your boyfriend another time!" I smirked as Lando just rolled his eyes. We continued walking through the paddock to go to the hospitality. On the way we stopped a few times to talk to some drivers and fans.

"LANDO!" Daniel screamed when we finally entered the building.

"DANIEL!" Lando screamed back as they both went in for a big hug. Then after they had let go of each other Daniel came up to me and gave me a soft kiss that made Lando look extremely confused.

"Oh by the way Lan! Everyone knows now that me and Daniel are together" I laughed as Daniel put his arm on Lando shoulder that made him shake his head. Then we continued talking while we sat down by a table. Few minutes later Zak came and told Daniel that he needed to be a press conference together with Charles, Pierre and Max. So Daniel gave me a quick kiss and said goodbye before him and Zak left the building. Me and Lando talked for a few minutes more before I needed to go to an interview and he wanted to search for Alex and Carlos. So we said a quick goodbye and I walked out of the building and up to where the interview was going to be. Then after the interview I had another interview and after that a press conference with Yuki, Mick and Sebastian. When everything was finally done I could finally sit down and eat some lunch together with some people from the team. I asked them about Lando but no one had seen him so I just nod and continued eating. Then Daniel joined us and he neither had seen Lando anywhere so I started thinking where he could be because I knew Carlos and Alex was in interviews. But I didn't think of that any deeper than that and started asking about the strategy for the weekend and other stuff. And that made me completely forget about Lando and where he could be. But then Alex came in to the hospitality and looked confused at us.

"Where is Lando?"

"I was about to ask you guys the same question. I heard that he would be here this weekend"

"Wait! He hasn't been with you before the interview?"

"No? Why?"

"He told me that he was going to look for you and Carlos before your interviews" I said while I got up from my chair.

"Weird because I haven't seen him" Alex said as he sat down beside Daniel. I was extremely surprised of what Alex said and picked up my phone and started calling Lando.

Lando POV

"Ohh fuck" I moan as me and Charles both came and he took his cock out of me. We both were out of breath while we were laying on the couch in his room in the Ferrari building. "Do you think someone heard us?"

"No but I think you should get dressed and go back to the table. Carlos are soon coming back from the interview" Charles said as he was searching for air. So we took a deep breath, cleaned ourselves and got dressed before I quickly left his room and went back to the table where Carlos had left me. I looked around and saw that no one was here so I breathed out in relief while I fixed my hair and saw that Arthur had called me. But I just shrugged and sat down on a chair and few minutes later Carlos came in and smiled.

"You look happy?"

"Yeah because my muppet friend is here" he smiled as he sat down on the outside of the table. "But have you been sitting here the whole time while I had an interview?"

"Of course! You told me to wait" I smiled as I tried to sound like didn't just had sex with Charles.

"I was joking but it was nice of you but I think we need to go to the McLaren. I heard that Arthur is looking for you" Carlos said and we got up from the chair and left the building to go over to McLaren. But when we just got inside of the McLaren building I heard Arthur screaming before I saw him coming running up to us.

"Where the fuck have you fucking been?"

"With Carlos"

"But I know that Carlos had a fucking interview!"

"Chill Art! I told Lando to wait for me in the Ferrari hospitality" Carlos stepped in while having a hand on my shoulder. Arthur just rolled his eyes at us before all of us walked up to the table where Alex, Daniel and some people from McLaren were sitting. It got pretty awkward when we joined the table and I didn't know why. So I just gave everyone a confused look until Daniel sighed and looked at me.

"What is it? What has happened?"

"You stink"

"Is everyone quiet because I stink?"

"No. We quiet because Arthur is looking extremely pissed off at you"

"I'm sorry I didn't answer! I saw it when Carlos came back from the interview"

"Why didn't you call back then?" Arthur mumbled as he got up from the chair and walked away to his room. The only thing we heard after him was when he slammed his door.

"I didn't mean to hurt him"

"It's okay Lando. He just being over dramatic like always" Daniel said as he got up from the chair to go to Arthur. I just sighed and put my forehead on the table while Carlos clapped my back. After that Alex and him left so I sat alone with the McLaren people who was just chatting with each other.

Arthur POV

"Hey Marco"
"I think Lando is cheating on Fabio"
"What? No! Why do you think that?"
"Because Max texted me right before Carlos and Lando came back from Ferrari"
"He said that Charles was sweating and stinky like Lando is right now"
"Maybe just a coincidence. Lando would never do that. He knows how much it hurt him when his ex cheated on him"
"But what if.."
"No Arthur! Just stop. I know you don't know Lando like I do but that's not right for you to say something that can't be true! Lando would never cheat on Fabio. And definitely not with Charles! Do you hear how stupid it sounds?"
"Okay, you probably right"
"I am right! You just overreacting! Lando is not cheating! Goodbye" Marco said angrily before he just hung up on me and I looked at Daniel who was sitting on the couch and heard the whole conversation. He just shakes his head and left without saying anything or look at me. He closed the door and I crashed on the ground.

Maybe I am overreacting? But I don't think so! It can't be a coincidence that both of them are sweating and stinks! Or maybe it is? Lando was with Carlos. What was I thinking?

I sat there on the floor drowning in my own thoughts when Zak came in. He told me that I had one more interview before me and Lando could go back to the hotel. So I got up and we left the room and I looked over to the table and saw only Lando was sitting there with his head on the table, looking pretty exhausted. I just sighed and followed Zak out and we walked up were the interview was going to be. I took a deep breath, shake my head and sat down on the chair with a fake smile on my face and the interview started.

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