Four of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Arthur POV

"God I'm in love with the color. I'm so happy and excited to put everything back where I want it tomorrow!"

"Glad to hear that you are happy how it turned out but can you please just sleep now Leclerc! I'm trying to sleep here!"

"Sorry Lando but I'm to excited to go to sleep and I'm also scared that Kiwi is going to bite me"

"I can promise you that she is not going to bite you. The door is closed so she doesn't get in here" he said while putting the blanket over his head. Then after a few minutes later I heard him start snoring and Cactus jumped down from his bed. She crawled up next to my face when I heard Kiwi meowing outside so I just got up and opened the door. Kiwi ran in and disappeared under Lando bed. So I closed the door and went back to the mattress.

"OUCH! YOU DAMN CAT!" Lando screamed and I saw Kiwi flying a few centimeters in the air then disappeared back under the bed. I laughed a little before I saw that Lando was staring at me.


"I'm not going to take Kiwi. You brought her so she is yours"

"What? No! I wasn't going to ask that"

"Oh okay, what do you have in mind then?"

"Are Charles going to come tomorrow?"

"Yea probably" I said while I could hear how my voice was shaking. "He has been here these two past days when we colored my room so he probably going to help me decorate it. Why?" I asked him nervously.

"Just wondering"

"Okay, saw that you guys have talk few times this two days. Glad to see that my brother agrees with my friends"

"Yea, he has apologized a few times for acting like a dickhead when we played golf" Lando smiled and I could see how his cheeks turned a little bit red. That made me a little bit worried about him but I wanted to make sure I was thinking right.

"You know, he is single so you can maybe ask him out on dinner" I said and Lando threw a pillow in my face.

WHAT THE FUCK ARTHUR! Did I just say that! That's the worst idea!

"Did you forget I'm straight dumbass!"

"I don't think you are"

Just stop! Can I just stop!

"But you think wrong!" Lando said while he turned his back to me.

"Okay but why are you cheeks turning red when you talk and think about him then?" I said while I threw the pillow back to him. But he didn't answer, just put the blanket over his head and pretend to be asleep. So I just shrugged and closed my eyes.

Lando POV

"Good morning you two" Marco said while grabbing my blanket and pulled it away from me. "How long were you awake yesterday?"

"Not so long"

"Arthur couldn't stop talking so it got extremely late" I said and heard Marco laugh while leaving the room but stopped in the doorway.

"By the way, your brother is here Art and ready to help you decorate your room"

"Okay, I'm coming" Arthur said while getting up from the floor to get dressed. Marco closed the door and disappeared downstairs. "You want to help today?"

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