Thirteen of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Lando POV

"Wow! This is completely different from Marco race weekend!"

"Yea, it is but are you excited to finally meet Felix for the first time! My closest friend I have here. My brother from an other mother!"

"Of course I am Pat!"

"Good so let's go" Pato smiled as he took my arm and we started walking to his team. First we met an old man called Zak Brown that Pato started talking with for a while. But then out of nowhere I felt a hand on my shoulder that made me jump and turn around.


"LANDO!" Felix smiled as we both hugged each other tight. "Finally I get to meet you mate! I never thought I would!" He smiled as we released from each other. We continued talking for a few minutes before him and Pato needed to leave and get changed. Then Zak asked me if I wanted to see the cars and I just nod happily so we started walking and he showed me around a little before we got to the car. After he had showed me everything he needed to go so I sat in their team building looking through my phone when someone called me. I couldn't see who it was because hidden number.

"Bonjour Lando"
"What do you want Charles?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were okay. No need to be rude to me. I haven't told anyone about our date"
"I'm okay"
"Good to hear"
"By the way, are you going to be in Monaco in a month?"
"I think so, why?"
"I'm going to race there! Arthur too so you can join me in the paddock if you want"
"No thanks, I rather ask Arthur"
"Oh okay" Charles said with a sad tone in his voice. I just sighed and said I needed to go and hung up on him. I just took a deep breath and started calling Marco, hoping he was still awake.

"Caio Lan! Do you have a good time in America?"
"Hi Marco. Yea I have"
"Is everything alright?"
"I don't know"
"Have something happened?"
"Not really, it's just different here. I just miss just the four of us hanging out"
"Oh okay. I can understand that. Is Pat with you?"
"Oh okay, but I see you in a month by the way. I hope Arthur has talked with you about it!"
"About what?"
"I don't have race weekend when Arthur is going to race in Monaco so you, me, Fabio and Pecco is going to watch his race! Maybe Enea! Arthur is going to fix so we are going to stand in the McLaren garage or our favorites teams. He was going to see what he can do. But you and me are going to be in McLaren! Or maybe you don't want to go?"
"Of course I want to go! I have been on yours and Pato race weekend! So I have to go on his! He is also my friend and roommate!"
"Arthur going to be happy to hear that! By the way, it is okay if my friends is staying at our place? Or do I need to find a hotel somewhere for them?"
"They can crash at our house. It's okay Bezz"
"Okay good! I'm going to tell them that tomorrow but now I have to go to bed. Talk to you soon, okay?"
"Yes, sleep well"
"Ciao Lan"
"Ciao Bezz" I said before we hung up and few minutes later Pato came back to me with a smile. He sat down and started telling me everything that was going to happen today. I just smiled and tried to understand everything.

Arthur POV

-I told Lan about 🇲🇨 and he is joining!
-Yes! I'm so glad that you guys are coming and supporting me!
-Of course! Good night
-Good night Bezz

I turned off my phone and started leaving the paddock because it started to get pretty dark now. I also had practice tomorrow so I need a good night sleep for that. But while I was smiling and walking over to my car I heard George, Alex and Pierre screaming my name so I turned around. They were running and Alex almost fall over a few times.

"Hi guys, everything alright? Why were you running?"

"Everything is fine and I don't know. George started running so I did the same" Alex smiled as he sat down on the ground. We continue talking and I told them about Lando and Marco is coming to the Monaco Grand Prix. Alex got really happy about it because he was missing Lando. But after a while all of them asked me if I could give them a ride back to their hotels and I just nod. So we all jumped in to the car when Charles came running up to us. It looked like he had been crying for a while because his eyes were swollen and red.

"This car is full so you have to walk back to your hotel!" Alex said before he closed one of the doors.

"Please guys. Please give me a ride" he said while his voice was breaking. Something felt off with Charles and I felt bad for him in that moment so I opened one of the doors and told George to jump in to sit in the middle. He looked confused but did it anyway and after that I walked up to the driver side and jumped in. When Charles finally was in the car, I started the engine and we drove off. I dropped off Alex first after that George and last Pierre before I drove to Charles hotel but stopped halfway.

"Why have we stopped?" Charles asked with a low voice. I didn't care how much I hated him or wanted him to disappear from my life. I still care about him and see him been crying hurt me a little.

"Are you okay

"Yes" he said while his voice changed to rude.


"Why the fuck do you even care"

"God I fucking hate you! But even if I fucking hate you so damn much that I wish you something just could disappear from my life, I still fucking care about you fucking idiot! You are my brother!"

"I like someone who hates me!"

Please don't say Lando! Please!


"You don't know her"


"Yes! Did you forget I'm bi idiot?"

"No because you have never told me dickhead!"

"Oh.. Okay" he said as he just looked out through the window on his side. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I started the engine and drove off to his hotel. After I had dropped him off I drove the fastest I could to my hotel and parked the car before I almost ran to my room. I unlocked the door and opened it.

"Where have you been?"

"I drove some people back to their hotels"

"Okay" Daniel smiled as he grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. "I hate keeping this as a secret. But I know it is for the best. Who knows how people would react to this. But still I want the world to know that I have a beautiful boyfriend now. I want to hang out with you during the breaks but it feels impossible"

"It's not impossible. Let's hang out during the summer break. Come to Monaco and be with me and Lando"

"You sure?"

"Absolutely" I smiled before I kissed him gently on his soft lips while grabbing his waist.

Live, love, learn, your roommates best friend or brother!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora