Twenty eight of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Pato POV (Memory)

"Pato my love! I think you should move to Monaco with me! I found a really good and beautiful place there!"
"Hi to you too Lando. But I hope you know that you already living in Monaco! In a beautiful apartment and I living here in America"
"Please Pat! Can you move in with me! Me and Jolene promise to be quiet if we are having sex! You are one of my best mates! Please!"
"Okay but I have to take Rocky with me!"
"I know and I already fixed a more beautiful bed to Rocky than you have now!"
"Of course you have. When can we move in?"
"We can move in next week! I already brought the house!"
"Of course you have done that. Okay then I guess I will start packing then. See you soon Lan!"
"Yes! See you soon Honey bunny"

Pato POV

I sat on my bed looking through some old pictures of me and Lando from when it was only me and him who was living here. I also looked through some even older pictures when we extremely young that my mom had sent me long time ago. Lando was smiling in almost every photo I was looking at and that made me smile a little. It was four days ago I lost my best friend in the entire world and me and roommates had started planning about his funeral and we also had called his family to tell them about what had happened. It was heartbreaking to hear his mother screaming over the phone while he dad went quiet and cried. They had promised to tell the friends Lando had in UK before we started sending out about the funeral that was going to be next weekend. Me and the boys had been crying from now to then because this was so hard and it was also a thing that we never thought we would do. Cactus and Kiwi was now Arthur responsibility because none of us wanted to give them away so Arthur said he would take care of them. Lando room door was closed and none of us could open it because it was too hard and hurtful. Arthur was staying with his mom because he couldn't step inside of this house because so many memories was coming back to him so I said that me and Marco planning to funeral and he can just try and focus on his races that is going to come after his summer break. But when me and Marco wasn't planning, we were just in our rooms and didn't talk to each other or anyone else. I knew that Marco friends had tried to call him but he had just ignored it like I did if someone tried to call me. Everything was quiet and it felt like the time had stopped because every day was always the same like the day before. None of us have nearly eaten anything because we had forgotten about it or wasn't really hungry. But when I was laying in bed just staring at the ceiling my phone started ringing so I looked who it was and saw it was Cisca.

"Hi my dear. How are you?"
"It could have been better. But how are you feeling? After everything?"
"I take one day at a time. Not easy but I'm surviving"
"I'm sorry. If I just had forced him to come to America, this wouldn't have happened. It's my fault that he isn't here anymore"
"Oh my dear sweet Pato. This is not your fault. We all knew that he was fighting with his mental illness we were just hoping that it wouldn't end like it did. No one knew that this would happen. Nothing we could have done. He is in peace now and he will always be with you guys. You gave him the love he deserved. You were his family without blood"
"Thank you Cisca"
"Of course. You always will be a part of Lando family. You are always welcome to us. After the funeral I think you should go back to America and race. That's what Lando would have wanted you to do"
"I promise I'm going to. I'm going to take win for him"
"That's going to make him proud" Cisca said and I could feel a tear falling down from my eye. We talked about old times for like a few minutes before we hung up and I took a deep breath. Nothing was the same anymore but I had promised myself to always be there for Marco and Arthur because I knew that's what Lando had wanted. So I took one more breath before I got up from the bed, left my room and walked in to Marco room who was asleep. I shake him a little before I saw that one of his eyes was staring at the wall. So I laid down so our face was facing each other before I gave him a bear hug.

"I miss him so damn fucking much. This house isn't the same without him"

"I know Bezz. I know" I said as I hugged him even tighter than before. "But I think we need to get up and live our lives. I know that's what Lando had wanted us to do" I said and let go of him. Marco wiped away the tears and nod a little before I helped him out of the bed and in to the shower. After that I walked downstairs and in to the bathroom we had there. Took a quick shower and got dressed before I left the bathroom and walked straight to the kitchen. Few minutes later I saw Marco coming down the stairs with new clothes on him and wet curly hair.

"I thought we could go and see Arthur. We haven't seen him these days"

"I think that's a good idea actually" Marco smiled weakly as we both walked in to the hallway to put our shoes on. Then we walked out and I locked the door before we started walking for a bit until we got to Pascale house. But we both got surprised when we saw Charles car standing outside of the house. So we knocked on the door and it was Charles who opened it.

"What are you doing here?"

"Checking up on my little brother"

"Is he home?"

"Yes but he is asleep"

"Okay" I said and was about to turn around when he grabbed my arm.

"You guys can come in if you want. Mom would be happy to see that you guys are okay" he smiled and both me and Marco nod before entering the house. It was like we got back home because it was extremely quiet except here you could hear cats meowing from upstairs. All three of us sat down by the couch without saying a single word to each other. Then I heard Charles taking an extremely long deep breath.

"Marco Bezzecchi. Can I ask you something?"

"Yes you can Charles Leclerc"

"Can you give me Fabio Quartararo number?" he asked while looking at the floor to avoid eye contact.

"Sure. Give me your phone then" Marco said and put his hand out. Charles nod and placed his phone on Marco hand who now started tapping down Fabio number. I just looked confused at both of them but didn't say anything. And as soon Charles got his phone back he got up from the couch and left to go upstairs. We heard him saying something in French before we heard a door closed. Few minutes later a very sleepy Arthur came down the stairs and sat down in the middle between me and Marco. Then he put his head on my shoulder and both me and Marco hugged him tightly.

"I wish he was here! I wish I could hug him one more time"

"He always going to be here Art! In our hearts and memories" I said and wiped away tears from Arthur cheeks.

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