Nineteen of many

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WARNING! This story can have very sexual scenes and bad language in it. Eating disorders, sleeping disorders and self harm and hate!

Marco POV



"Have you looked on social media lately?"

"No? Why?"

"Someone took pictures of you and Lando when you were on a date! YOU GUYS KISSED? WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"

"Because I thought it wasn't important! Sorry?"


"Okay! I'm sorry okay! Can you please stop screaming now?" Fabio said while grabbing my shoulder because I was jumping around. I just nod and smiled big. He also told me to take four deep breaths before we started walking to the garages. I looked at Fabio a few times while we were walking because he was looking a little bit down. But when I was about to asked what was wrong someone called me. It was Pato on FaceTime.

"Hey Pat!"
"You alright?"
"Not really"
"Because Lando doesn't answer?"
"Yea, that's one thing"
"Is that something more?"
"Arthur doesn't answer either. Zak told me that Arthur is acting strangely while Charles is acting like more than the worst person on earth. What happened after the party in Monaco? When you celebrate Arthur race win"
"The only weird thing I remember was when Charles just left and how Lando was reacting on that. But nothing else"
"Oh okay, did Lando drive you?"
"Yea, he did. Why?"
"Because Fewtrell called me. Lando had taken his car and drove all the way to Great Britain the day after he had left you at the airport. He went to his parents house with his cats and Rubik"
"What?! Why?"
"He didn't know. Lando doesn't want to talk with anyone"
"Oh okay" I said while looking over to Fabio who had tears in his eyes. He looked so worried. Then me and Pato continued talk for like 2,5 hours before we hung up and I tried to call Lando a few times but got no answers. Fabio also tried to call him but the same as me he got no luck. Then I tried to call Arthur but he didn't answer either. So I gave up and walked away from everyone to get changed in to racing clothes. After that I went to my bike and had my phone in a hard steady grip in my hand. But when I was about to talk to Luca my phone started ringing so I answered.

"Art! Thank god you alright!"
"What is going on?"
"I don't know really. Charles started acting like a better brother but now he is back to being a completely dickhead! I'm so confused. I thought everything was changing to the better"
"I can understand that. I don't get why he came over and congratulate you and then go back and treat you like shit. Something isn't right here"
"I totally agree with you on that. I think Lando has something to do with it. Just look how he reacted when Charles just left our house that night. That was just weird"
"Glad I wasn't the only person who saw that"
"Have Fabio talked with Lando?"
"No, Lando isn't talking with anyone. I just found out from Pato who found out from Lando childhood best friend Max that Lando is in UK. He took his cats and my baby and left Monaco. That's not him"
"Oh okay. I'm racing in UK next week. Maybe I can try and find him then if he still is there of course"
"Yes please Arthur! It would be great if you could! Both me and Pato are worried"
"Of course"
"By the way you should call Pat! His is worried about you too"
"Okay, I call him right away. Bye Bezz"
"Ciao Leclerc" I said and we hung up right before I needed to jump on my bike because practice was about to start. But I couldn't stop thinking about Lando and why he was acting so strange.

Lando POV

I was looking at my phone while laying in bed hoping that Charles would text back but he never did. But what I saw was that Marco, Pato and Fabio was calling me over and over again but I just ignored them. I didn't want to talk and see anyone at the moment. Then it knocked on my door and heart stopped for a minute before I saw my mom open the door.

"We taking Rubik out for a walk. Do you want to join?"

"No thanks" I said and turned my back to her. She just sighed and closed the door. So I just took a deep breath and went in to Fabio instagram before I went to my contacts and search up his number. Then I took one more deep breath before I started calling it but got no answer. But then I remembered that he had practice now so I started my computer to watch it. I also posted on my instagram story and tagged him so he would see it later when he had his phone. And after like two hours later he called me.

"Mon amour! Are you okay? I have been so damn worried about you!"
"I'm sorry Fabio. I don't know what's wrong with me. I didn't mean to make you worry. I just thought I needed to go home to my parents"
"But are you okay now?"
"Yes I am"
"Okay, that's something. How long are you going to stay there?"
"I'm thinking about going back to Monaco after Arthur has raced here. I want to go and support him. I think he needs it"
"Yea, sounds like a good idea. Charles is acting like shit again to him. I think it might be even worse than before now"
"Oh okay, tell Marco I'm okay and sorry for ignoring him. I just needed time for myself"
"Okay, I tell him. But when can I see you again?"
"Soon. I'm promise you"
"Okay because I miss you"
"I miss you too love. We are going to be together soon" I said while I catch myself smiling. "Maybe I can come to your race soon also. Stand in your garage" I said while I sat up on the bed and looked at my computer.

"You actually want to do that?"
"Yes of course!"
"Then I be more than happy" Fabio said and I could guess that he had a big smile on his face. We continue talking for like a hour and Marco had also joined and was happy that I was okay and alive. But then they needed to go and Marco told me I should talk to both Arthur and Pato so I did. Both was really happy to hear I was okay but I got confused when Arthur didn't sound happy that I wanted to go and watch him race next week. But he told me he would fix a pass so I could stand in his garage and be in the McLaren building. After he had said that he just hung up so it was only me and Pato in the call. We talked for 10 more minutes before he needed to go so we hung up. I took a deep breath before I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I was extremely exhausted so I thought I needed it. But then after a while I woke up to that my mom was shaking me a little while sitting by my bed.

"Good morning"


"I'm just here to tell you that you have a visitor"


"Go down and see for yourself" mom smiled and jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see Max and Ethan standing in the kitchen talking with my dad. So I tipped on my toes and threw myself on Max so we both fell to the ground and Ethan just laughed.

"God I have missed you man" I said as we got up from the floor and I gave him a real hug.

"I have missed you too Lan!"

"I also have missed you Lando" Ethan said while moving closer to us and joined our hug.

"Of course I have missed you too Ethan!" I laughed as we let go of each other. Then we talked for a while before we decided that we going to plan and make a new YouTube video for Quadrant. So we left my parents house after I asked if they could take care of Rubik while I was gone. So we jumped in to Max car and drove off to his apartment to start planning the challenge we had decided to do. So we fixed up everything and started recording while Max girlfriend Pietra was watching us and everything was just chaos but we had a really good time. It felt good to finally hang out with Max again and to not think about anything except the video. But I knew everything was going to be hard next week. I had promised myself to try and talk with Charles even if I knew it was a bad idea.

Live, love, learn, your roommates best friend or brother!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant